Akshita Sachdeva

CEO and Co-Founder, Trestle Labs


Born and brought up in India, Trestle Labs’ co-founder, Akshita, completed her degree in computer science in 2016. Trestle Labs, which she started right out of college, along with her co-founder, Bonny Dave, is a Bangalore(India)-based assistive technology company, empowering the blind and visually-impaired community towards inclusive education and employment by building solutions that enable them to Listen, Translate, Digitize & Audio'tize™ printed, handwritten and scanned-digital documents across 60 global languages.

Recently awarded Residential Fellowship by Washington DC-based Halcyon Incubator, Akshita has received various National and International Awards including the DBS Foundation Social Enterprise Grant and Prosus Social Impact Challenge for Accessibility.


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