Antonia Gawel

Head, Circular Economy and Innovation, Global Centre for Public Goods, World Economic Forum


Antonia Gawel is head of the World Economic Forum’s Circular Economy and Innovation work within the Global Centre for Public Goods. This has led to the launch of major initiatives such as the Platform for Accelerating this Circular Economy, the Global Plastics Action Partnership and SCALE 360 for circular economy innovation, among others. 

Previously, Antonia worked in Bhutan as an advisor on environment and clean energy; at the International Energy Agency (IEA) as a lead author of the Energy Technology Perspectives, and leading analytical into to the Clean Energy Ministerial and G-20 processes. She was formerly Deputy Director, Energy and Climate, at the World Business Council for Sustainable Development in Geneva. 

In 2006, Antonia was selected for the Young Canadian Leaders for a Sustainable Future programme by International Institute for Sustainable Development. She holds a degree in Economics from the University of Toronto and a Master’s in Environmental Planning, Policy and Regulation, London School of Economics. Outside work, she is a mother of two and is a passionate trail runner, climber and outdoor enthusiast.

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