Jery (Shaochun) Li

Director, Watson Health, GM, IBM GCG

Jery(Shaochun) Li is the leader of IBM GCG Watson Health, as GM leading IBM GCG Watson Health strategy, business growth, products and innovation, designed to provide healthcare and life sciences professionals with the insights needed to make critical medical, clinical, operational and financial decisions, enabling companies and organizations to use cutting-edge technology to achieve credible digital smart healthcare transformation. IBM brings together researchers, data scientists, clinicians, government, business and thought leaders into collaboration, We are bringing data, technology and expertise together to transform health into Smarter Health Ecosystem.

Jery focuses on the deep fusion of healthcare scenarios and cutting-edge digital technologies with rich experiences and has successfully collaborated with top global multinational companies as well as leading domestic pharmaceutical, healthcare and technology enterprise clients to accelerate their innovation and digital transformation. He had been invited to deliver numerous keynotes and POV sharing at Chinese association for artificial intelligence, global and domestic pharmaceutical R&D, medical affairs association, healthcare related industry and technology conferences. Before Watson Health, Jery was research leader overseen strategic research innovations for multiple areas including AI for Healthcare, NLP and Industry services. Over 15 years, he had been leading multiple leading-edge research agenda in big data analytics, artificial intelligence, internet-of-things and technical innovation roadmap, drive global value-based partnership strategies and execution. Jery created 60+ patents as IBM Master inventor, won best paper awards, received numerous IBM outstanding technical and business awards.

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