José Tomás Arenas

Co-Founder and CEO, TeleDx

José Tomás Arenas is an electrical engineer and an industrial engineer, both by Universidad de Chile (2011), entrepreneur and co-founder of TeleDx. Because of its contributions in complementing AI, healthcare and business with purpose, the multidisciplinary team he leads has received recognition by MIT Technology Review, The European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA), Asia Pacific Tele-Ophthalmology Society (APTOS), Synopsys, U.S. Department of State, among others.

TeleDx is a medtech artificial intelligence (AI) start-up that develops and deploys its proprietary technology to detect and prevent diseases, improve healthcare decisions and optimize costs. It was a global pioneer by placing its eye care solution DART as a national standard in Chile (140+ points of care) in 2018. The company looks to place its digital health solutions internationally to make a massive positive impact by improving millions of people's quality of life using AI.

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