Philip Reuchlin

Director of Programs & Strategy, Andan Foundation || Judge for The Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion

Philip Reuchlin is Executive Director of the Andan Foundation, a Swiss public benefit foundation set up to promote refugee inclusion. The Andan Foundation is proud sponsor of MIT Solve's Innovation in Refugee Inclusion Prize.

Previously, Philip worked as a journalist in India, writing stories about environmental successes in Indian industry. He also worked for the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, seconded to the OSCE as an environmental expert, where he organized one of the first analysis of the impact of climate change on migration patterns in Central Asia.

Philip also worked as speechwriter to the President of the WBCSD, a coalition of 200 companies devoted to sustainable development, where he served as focal point to the OECD on Green Growth and the Chinese State Council on low carbon industrialization strategies for the 11th 5-Year plan. He successfully turned around and grew a datacenter construction company in Colombia and worked with a Skoll award winner, Fundacion Capital, on strategy and operations. Besides managing a farm in Austria, he holds an MSc from the London School of Economics and an MBA from INSEAD.


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