2019 Indigenous Communities Fellowship


Lakota Youth Development Honey Lodge

Beekeeping to support thriving native-owned youth enterprises

Team Lead

Marla Bull Bear

Basic Information

Our Solution

Lakota Youth Development Honey Lodge

Our tagline:

Young Lakota entrepreneurs create sweet business idea to thrive

Our pitch:

video pitch

Our solution's stage of development:


Where our project is located:

Herrick, SD, USA
About Your Solution

Where our solution team is headquartered or located:

Herrick, SD, USA

How we use technology in our project:

Honey Lodge uses low-tech options such as computers, phones and connectivity using social media platforms and online sales through our website and Facebook page. we also use permaculture techniques to grow bee food plants and nurture wild pollinators.

What makes our project innovative:

Honey Lodge is what happens when brilliant minds come together to think outside the box. We found a way to nurture the environment through our own cultural philosophy "Mitakuye Oyasin" ( we are all related) to help our relatives the bees. Living this proactively also helps our youth survive and thrive in todays world. The bees give back hundreds of times over with honey and pollinating our wild medicinal and edible plants. Youth also learn critical skills to nurture the environment, build entrepreneurial skills and tenacity to thrive in todays world.

How our project will be accessible and affordable to our community:

Lakota Youth Development started the program through initial startup grants and have volunteer mentor beekeepers that help teach youth to grow and slit hives so that youth are provided apprentiship to take a hive home over the summer to nurture and care for with mentors help. They are then able to harvest the honey for themselves and their family and sell back any extra honey to Honey lodge to sell to keep the enterprise going. Older youth become staff for Honey lodge and taking over day to day aspects of the business. 

Lakota Youth Development- Honey Lodge serves Lakota youth ages 10 to 25 primarily from the Rosebud Sioux Reservation, however we also have some involvement with non native youth and youth from other neighboring reservations in South Dakota.  Honey Lodge is currently serving over 25 youth directly and has served over 550 youth via participation in various aspects of education and awareness. Youth participate in multigenerational education and awareness sessions in bee keeping, environmental and entrepreneurial skills and cultural, spiritual and language reconnection.

Our future project goals:

Our future goals are to triple our number of hives that we can send out with youth into all 20 communities of our reservation. This will then increase our impact reservation wide to include the youth's families and extended families  becoming interested in not only supporting their relative but supporting the success of the enterprise. This will also have an economic impact as more youth will generate income for themselves to take some of the stress off their families and tribe to meet basic needs such as school cloths and incidentals that many now struggle to obtain. 

Highlights from our project:

Honey Lodge has a video (attached) and featured on two South Dakota Public Broadcasting TV station programs; Dakota Focus and Dakota Savor to tell the story of our endeavor. We are in a promotional video at Mt. Rushmore. Honey Lodge has also on featured on a talk show on National Public Radio as the only native owned youth beekeeping enterprise. Honey Lodge has been certified as a Wildlife habitat by the National Wildlife Federation.  Honey Lodge is article on the Powwows.com and Dakota Rural Action. We have has sold honey to over 38 states. 



Partnership Potential

Why we are applying to Solve:

We were excited to see an opportunity to help us overcome barriers to our growth and development. We hope Solve will assist us to gain access to capital and new markets that we simply do not have access to due to our remote location and limited resources and connections to those that can help. We are seeking to develop new skills that will help our youth led social enterprise achieve full sustainability and capability to have a real economic impact across our reservation.

The organizations we are currently working with:

Rosebud Economic Development Corporation, we are partnering to increase resources both financial and staffing through AmeriCorps vistas to improve the sustainability of our food system across the reservation. We are also working with SD Tourism to increase our involvement in agri-tourism and cultural - tourism.

Organizations we would like to partner with:

We would like to work with organizations that have successful social enterprises that can mentor our group to achieve a sustainable level of both capital and employment opportunities for our youth. We are looking for partnership in marketing and business to help us fully develop a solid long range plan for our youth enterprise. We are also looking to partner with innovators that can see new ways of working environmentally smart and minimize  negative impacts on the planet. 

Other types of connections and partnerships we would be interested in:

not applicable

Solution Team

  • Marla Bull Bear Executive Director, Lakota Youth Development
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