Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

Our Organization


What is the name of your solution?

Mamotest powered by Bolder

Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

Digital solution transforming care delivery by democratizing access to oncologic screening & diagnosis while providing an efficient path to treatment

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?

Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina

In what country is your solution team headquartered?

  • Argentina

What type of organization is your solution team?

For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

Film your elevator pitch.

What specific problem are you solving?

The WHO stated that in 2022, there were 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer and 670 000 deaths globally. Representing the most common cancer in women in 157 countries out of 185.

The incidence and mortality rates of breast cancer in different countries are determined by the economic development of the country, environmental factors and the ethnicity of the populace. The differences between incidence and mortality rates for breast cancer is observed when comparing data from developed countries to developing countries. For instance, the developed countries display high incidence and low mortality of breast cancer and comparatively, developing countries display low incidence and high mortality rates. 

Despite advances in medicine, breast cancer is diagnosed in the advanced stages in countries with limited resources because early detection, diagnosis, and treatment cannot be efficiently promoted.

The lack of awareness and screening protocols, limited or no access to diagnostic centres in rural areas for early detection, and lower standards of healthcare facilities all contribute to higher mortality rates in developing countries. 

There is a global shortage of medical radiologists, and an unequal distribution of these along big cities and rural areas, increasing costs because of demand in big cities, and increasing access inequalities. 

Patients living in rural areas across the U.S. (and worldwide) often face any number of barriers to health care overall, including imaging services. For rural areas that do have a medical center, medical facilities often lack imaging equipment and radiologists.

In light of the detrimental impact that the cost of healthcare can have on patients and their families, it is crucial to adopt a strategic approach to coordinated care to ensure improvement of health outcomes and comprehensive treatments. However, fragmentation is a major contributor when it comes to lower-quality care, poorer health outcomes, and higher costs.

According to a study by the AJMC - The American Journal of Managed Care, poor coordination within healthcare raises costs and degrades quality. The challenges in coordinating care across different settings and providers pose significant implications for cancer care, such as lack of continuity or treatment dropouts, treatment approaches due to ineffective care coordination, and breakdowns in physician and patient communication, which are key to ensuring a promising patient journey.

Researchers from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) highlight the potential for cost savings through improved care coordination in cancer care. Failure to do so can increase costs by $25 billion to $45 billion annually, according to Health Affairs. By reducing redundant tests, avoiding treatment delays, and enhancing care transitions, healthcare systems can achieve cost efficiencies while maintaining or improving care quality.

What is your solution?

Mamotest is an AI powered digital solution transforming care delivery by democratizing access to screening & diagnosis while providing an efficient path to treatment.

We solve the global radiologists shortage by connecting healthcare facilities with radiologists worldwide, and by using teleradiology with AI support, radiologists provide efficient remote imaging diagnosis services for breast exams. 

Mamotest offers a simple, modular and efficient end-to-end solution that adapts to the needs of all partners and clients by combining service & technology to guarantee a remarkable patient experience. 

Our digital platform with flexible API connects to all medical devices such as mammography & US units, ibreast scanners, MRI, TC, etc. and provides a 100% data structured, traceable and secure system to deliver our services:

  1. Pre-Screening and Screening Programs/ services within 24hs using teleradiology conducted by specialized radiologists assisted by AI

  2. Patient Navigation to improve efficiently through the patient journey, guaranteeing emotional support & access to diagnosis and oncologic treatment on-time. 

  3. Awareness & Training programs for patient generation and promote professional installed capacity

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

Our final beneficiaries are women +20 years old

In LATAM, 80% of women don’t have access to preventive breast cancer screening, due to lack of education, equipment, technicians, or radiologists in their geographies. And where they do, costs are prohibiting or depend on long waiting lists.

By leading educational awareness campaigns and connecting our platform to medical devices such as scanners, ultrasound or mammogram, we are promoting an increase in access and also follow up on patients, helping them navigate a challenging healthcare system, by tackling informative, economic and psychological barriers.

79% of risk patients in Mamotest needed psychological or emotional intervention to continue their patient journey. By connecting patients with our medical network to guarantee quality and efficiency, we’re reducing time from screening to treatment in a significant way. But by providing emotional assistance throughout the process and connecting with their friends and family support network, we’re also reducing dropouts, burnouts and psychological breakdowns, increasing their quality of life after treatment.



Radiologists: Increasing efficiency and quality (AI assistance), expanding their global opportunities, increasing quality of life with remote work, reducing traveling hours and professional burnout.

Medical providers: Cost saving and increased revenue, Patient engagement and recurrency, Increase service offer with no investment, increase their social impact in communities

Doctors: Data-supported oncology treatment plans

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

Our team is committed on making a positive impact on health. Focused on delivering comprehensive, long-term solutions, we prioritise continuous innovation, maintain a strong customer-centric approach, and actively explore new technologies. 

We have a start up and high tech state of mind, we strongly believe in the need of tropicalization of solutions, technologies and ideas. We commit ourselves to every community we serve, with a deep understanding of their social, economic, geographical and psychological situation. 

We are a team of young, high-achieving professionals with diverse, international experience, and a track record globally recognized by the United Nations, World Economic Forum and Fast Company among others. Amongst our leadership, we have Forbes promises, Globant Women that Build and Global Healthcare visionaries awardees. 

We keep our heands-on management team reduced and flexible to easily adapt our models and innovations, complementing technicality with our advisory board represented by Medical, Tech, Real World Evidence and Health Economics specialists.

We dream big and we do not fear change -we create it.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Ensure health-related data is collected ethically and effectively, and that AI and other insights are accurate, targeted, and actionable.

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 3. Good Health and Well-Being
  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 10. Reduced Inequalities
  • 17. Partnerships for the Goals

What is your solution’s stage of development?


Please share details about why you selected the stage above.

We have signed contracts with customers to validate different business models and stakeholders:

  • Hospitals / Clinics: Telediagnosis service model for clinics in Argentina (CEGIN, DMR, San Nicolas), Mexico (Reina Madre, COI) and Spain (AFFIDEA group, Clinica Asuncion)

  • Pharmacy Chains: Traccion / ibreast exam (Revenue share screening)

  • Imaging diagnosis groups: Ibreast exam pre-screening + mammography teleradiagnosis in Mexico (Synlab, Grupo Aries)

  • Governments: Training & Screening programs + telediagnosis in Argentina (Gobierno de Misiones), Mexico (Gobierno de Chihuahua) and Costa Rica

  • Pharma companies:  Training & Screening programs + telediagnosis in Argentina (Novartis)

  • AI pilot services: We’re running a pilot with Unimed (Brazil insurance company) for AI as a service.

We have implemented our operation in Argentina, Mexico, Spain and Costa Rica.

Beneficiaries impacted: 795670

We have raised USD 5,413,000 in funds (Seed & Post-Seed series) with strategic investors MSD (Merck Sharpe & Dhome) Social Business Innovation, J&J Impact Ventures and Sonen Capital (LATAM), and we'll be seeking a Series A round in Q1 2025.

Our impact model has been recognized with the following awards:

Recognitions & Milestones:

Why are you applying to Solve?

We aim to bring visibility to the pressuring challenges the healthcare sector has worldwide. In the developed world, access to quality healthcare, diagnoses & drugs increases life expectancy and helps solve basic needs for families to flourish. We believe basic services and preventive healthcare should be of access to all, and we believe technology is the great catalyst for change.

We have an incredibly ambitious plan to solve breast cancer, starting from Latin America and expanding to underserved USA, Europe, Africa and Asia. Our platform is global and the problem we are trying to solve 

Solve can provide us not only with funding, but mentorship and exposure to create exponential change that can benefit millions of families worldwide. As a Latin-American born health tech, we are looking forward to working with the most prepared makers and shapers under Solve and MIT to scale our solution on a global platform.

We believe in coopetition and collaborative solutions, building powerful networks of impact-minded leaders  in different industries is critical to expand our solution and compliment others, impacting humans around the world.

Also, Our short term expansion plan includes expanding our solution to the unattended population of the USA, specially targeted to Hispanic and Black women with no access to high quality healthcare. For this reason, gaining exposure in media, conferences, and stakeholders in the USA is very valuable for Mamotest.

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Legal or Regulatory Matters
  • Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
  • Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
  • Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
  • Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Camila de Pamphilis

More About Your Solution

What makes your solution innovative?

The value proposition of Mamotest revolves around addressing the global shortage of radiologists and providing a comprehensive imaging solution & patient navigation through innovative technology. 

The key value points include:

Efficient Supply and demand connection (radiologists): Mamotest’s platform efficiently connects hospitals, clinics and healthcare centers in need of diagnostic studies with a global network of radiologists, helping bridge the gap between supply and demand.

Advanced AI Technology: We have developed a cutting-edge AI algorithm capable of interpreting mammograms. This technology not only enhances the diagnostic process but is actively being expanded to cover a broader range of pathologies, showcasing the company’s commitment to staying at the forefront of medical imaging advancements. 

Global accessibility: The platform provides access to radiologists from around the world,  ensuring that healthcare facilities can tap into a diverse pool of experts, thereby overcoming geographical limitations and addressing the shortage of local radiologists.

Comprehensive patient journey support: Mamotest goes beyond diagnosis, actively engaging in patient navigation throughout their entire journey. The commitment to supporting patients ensures that, in the event of a detected risk , appropriate and timely treatments are provided, emphasizing a holistic approach to healthcare.

Easy connection & flexibility: Our flexible API integrates third party solutions into a streamlined and traceable workflow within the platform.

Impactful solution to Global Health Challenges: By addressing the shortage of radiologists on a global scale and leveraging advances technology, Mamotest contributes significantly to overcoming challenges in healthcare delivery, especially in regions where access to specialized medical expertise may be limited. 

Data structured system: Our platform is 100% data structured, increasing efficiency in the workflows, and providing accesible real-time analyzed data and evidence.

Describe in simple terms how and why you expect your solution to have an impact on the problem.

To achieve our Long term Goal: Contribute to a society in which women stay healthy

We will engage and carry out the following activities:

  • Teleradiology services to guarantee efficiency and quality in imaging solutions

  • Awareness and education campaigns on preventive healthcare

  • Training programs in private and public institutions: Technicians, Radiologists, Doctors and Health Navigators

  • Patient navigation programs to guarantee access & efficiency throughout the patient journey

  • AI development for teleradiology and patient navigation solutions

  • Conversational AI development to scale remote control

Outputs include:

  • Increased # of educated women accessing high quality preventive healthcare

  • # of Patient Navigation programs in private and public institutions:

  • Increased % of patients in adherence to treatment

  • Reduced time from screening to treatment access

  • AI development and implementation

To achieve the following Outcomes:

  • Empowered and educated women to take care of their own health

  • Democratized access to high quality & preventive healthcare

  • RWD and Evidence generation for private and public policy promotion

  • Technology adoption & digitalization

  • Patients owners of their own data

  • Public policy to promote healthcare prevention

  • Private & public integrated and collaborative healthcare systems


What are your impact goals for your solution and how are you measuring your progress towards them?

Actual indicators:

  • Annual Beneficiaries: 105000
  • Underserved beneficiaries: 62%
  • Navigated patients to treatment: 1037
  • Risk Patients that adhere to Navigation Program: 64%
  • Risk patients in Mamotest needed psychological or emotional intervention to continue their patient journey: 79%
  • Patient recall rate (AI efficiency): 99,3%

The following Cost-Effective analysis paper has been written using Mamotest’s case study: Telemammography for breast cancer screening: a cost-effective approach in Argentina

We’re in conversations with PATH to go through a similar Cost-Effectiveness analysis, considering Patient Navigation’ impact when combining it with screening programs.

Impact goals 2024:

  • Annual Beneficiaries: 310000
  • Risk Patients that adhere to Navigation Program: 75%

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

Our end to end solution involves different technologies that interact with each other in a streamlined workflow, while keeping simplicity, modularity and flexibility as a key aspect. Using a microservices architecture pattern (backend developed in .NET and our frontend developed in Angular Material)that helps modularize all its functionalities, the technology is dedicated to patient monitoring with a strong focus on telediagnosis. 

The system easily connects to any medical device such as mammography units, ultrasound, MRI, CT and ibreast exam scanners, to upload and manage DICOM images using AWS Healthimaging, guaranteeing speed and scalability. 

Our partnership with AWS has given Mamotest’s team access to training programs, experts, mentors and specialized advisors to continue developing our AI for radiologists support in breast imaging diagnosis, increase security and efficiency.  The AI models that support our operation are developed in Python and deployed into production using AWS SageMaker.

The platform is 100% data structured, including the radiologists structured reporting process, which makes the multilanguage, data analysis and evidence generation more efficient.

The technology’s microservice pattern makes it easily integrable with other health systems, using HL7 protocol as a standard.

One of the system's key strengths is its security network. Using cutting-edge AWS technology, perimeter security of the system is one of our utmost priorities. 

Delivering a perfect experience for our patients and medical network is very valuable to us, so we provide tools and features for engagement in every phase: open whatsapp channels, patient portal, doctor portal, mailing alerts, reminders and online appointments are used for a 360° online and omnichannel experience.

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Imaging and Sensor Technology
  • Software and Mobile Applications

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Argentina
  • Costa Rica
  • Mexico
  • Spain

Which, if any, additional countries will you be operating in within the next year?

  • Brazil
  • Colombia
  • Paraguay
Your Team

How many people work on your solution team?

Full time staff: 23

Part time staff: 2

Contractors: 35 (includes our medical network)

How long have you been working on your solution?

Mamotest was funded in 2013. We have used the experience and know-how developed during these 10 years on the breast cancer, teleradiology and medical centers operation management experience to develop Bolder since 2022, when we started our first international expansion to Mexico.

Tell us about how you ensure that your team is diverse, minimizes barriers to opportunity for staff, and provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for all team members.

We are a company whose identity is dedicated to fostering Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. Women are at the center of what we do. Our business model is our corporate policy towards this subject as we work towards bringing gender equality to Health Services to all women, regardless of how "formal" their role is in the economy, or their geographic situation. 

We create and push laws that allow better access and annual paid leave for women to get their health checkups, we lobby press and government towards creating legislation that brings the same rights to health, we push for awareness and empower women to take control of their own health.

We provide local community training programs to help develop and leave professional installed capacity, increasing formal work and employment opportunities.

78% of our employees are women.

Your Business Model & Funding

What is your business model?

Mamotest works on 3 business models:

B2B: Hospitals/ Clinics/ Diagnostic centers groups

Easy plug-in modular solution. Service on a pay per use basis, pay a fee per study for teleradiology services within 24hs by specialized radiologist assisted by AI
Value proposition: Medical centers avoid fixed (vs. variable) costs for radiologists in-place, increasing quality for specialization, and Patient engagement and recurrency as a consequence of navigation services.

B2G (Governments) and Pharma companies (B2B2G): 
Pay for screening, training and Navigation programs that are conducted as an end-to-end solution for the non-insured or public service depending population within Public Hospitals or underserved geographies.
Value proposition: Cost-Effective & integral pathologies approach, Key RWD/RWE generation, evidence based Legislation improvement

B2C: Patients 

Pay a low subsidized cost out of pocket fee for screening services and get navigation support free of charge.
Value proposition: Increased quality at low cost screening services, and free navigation support.

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?

Organizations (B2B)

What is your plan for becoming financially sustainable, and what evidence can you provide that this plan has been successful so far?

Mamotest is financially sustainable with strong unit economics, with projections to be EBITDA positive in May 2025.

We are at a growth stage with promising expansion projects within the next 2 years targeting new countries such as Brazil, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Colombia & MENA. We are also continually improving the performance and development of AI.

We have raised USD 5,413,000 in funds (Seed & Pre Series A rounds) with strategic investors MSD (Merck Sharpe & Dhome) Social Business Innovation, J&J Impact Ventures and Sonen Capital (LATAM). We received the Zayed Sustainability 

We have a revenue forecast of USD 3M for 2024, including sales and services combined with grants and challenge prizes.

Our short-term investments will be used to accelerate technology development and implementation processes by growing our IT team to focus on software & API integrations, data security, AI new developments and data analysis.

Solution Team

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