Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

Our Organization

EDGE Tutor International

What is the name of your solution?

The EDGE Tutor App

Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

The Edge Tutor App: Revolutionizing Filipino teacher training with gamified, localized modules, upskilling 1M educators by 2030.

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?

Manila, Metro Manila, Philippines

In what country is your solution team headquartered?

  • Philippines

What type of organization is your solution team?

For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

What specific problem are you solving?

Our solution, the Edge Tutor App, directly addresses the pressing issue of ensuring that all children are learning in good educational environments, particularly those affected by poverty or displacement. In the Philippines, where reading scores among disadvantaged students are alarmingly low, this app addresses a critical need. Filipino teachers, often grappling with outdated practices, find in the Edge Tutor App an opportunity to bridge the gap between research and effective instruction. 

According to recent statistics, reading scores among disadvantaged Filipino learners remain persistently low, reflecting systemic barriers to quality education. For instance, in the latest Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results available from 2018, the Philippines ranked significantly below the average in reading, mathematics, and science, highlighting the urgency of addressing educational disparities.

Several factors contribute to the persistent challenge of inadequate educational environments. These include outdated teaching methodologies, limited access to resources, linguistic barriers for marginalized communities, and challenges within teacher training programs. For instance, the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET) reveals concerns about the quality of teacher education, with pass rates fluctuating and some periods showing rates below 30% for first-time takers. This raises questions about the preparedness of graduates to enter the workforce and deliver effective instruction.

By empowering Filipino teachers with the Edge Tutor App, we aim to catalyze a transformative shift in educational outcomes. Through comprehensive training and professional development opportunities, the app equips teachers with the skills and knowledge needed to deliver effective instruction. As a result, Filipino educators will be better equipped to engage students, personalize learning experiences, and foster literacy skills essential for academic success and future opportunities.

While the problem of ineffective reading instruction is acute in the Philippines, it is also a global concern. Low literacy levels among children, particularly those facing socio-economic challenges, have far-reaching implications for individuals and societies worldwide. By addressing this issue comprehensively, the Edge Tutor App has the potential for global scalability, offering a solution that transcends geographical boundaries.

In conclusion, the Edge Tutor App represents a groundbreaking solution to the pressing challenge of inadequate educational environments for marginalized children. Its evidence-based approach, localized language support, and emphasis on essential reading components position it as a transformative tool for educators. With its potential for global scalability, the app embodies a holistic approach to improving literacy outcomes and fostering equitable access to quality education for all.


What is your solution?

The Edge Tutor App is a transformative teacher development tool tailored for elementary educators. It empowers them with vital knowledge and skills essential for elevating student reading outcomes. This evidence-based platform places a strong emphasis on fundamental learning components: letter knowledge, orthographic mapping, and structured literacy. By equipping educators with research-backed strategies, it drives the Science of Reading movement in the Philippines.

Moreover, our platform is designed to tie up our training with enabling teachers to maintain their Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) qualifications. In the Philippines, the PRC oversees licensing examinations and registration for various professions, including educators. By aligning our training with PRC requirements, we not only save teachers money but also ensure they can keep their professional status, a crucial aspect of their career progression and credibility in the field of education.

 We aim to bridge the gap between traditional methods and cognitive science in reading instruction, offering a comprehensive solution that revitalizes teacher development and improves reading outcomes for K-6 students. Additionally, the app features data-driven assessments to monitor teachers' progress, further enhancing the effectiveness of student reading instruction and confronting entrenched, outdated approaches in Philippine schools with scientific findings.

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

The Edge Tutor App is designed for elementary school teachers and online reading tutors, focusing on improving the reading outcomes of K-6 students in the Philippines, particularly those in disadvantaged communities affected by poverty or displacement.

Many Filipino teachers face challenges due to outdated teaching practices and a lack of effective reading instruction skills, contributing to low reading scores, especially in marginalized communities. This app strategically addresses these issues by providing a localized and evidence-based platform, empowering educators with essential knowledge and skills for proficient reading instruction. The inclusion of Cebuano and Filipino language support ensures accessibility, breaking down language barriers for teachers in underserved communities.

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

The team's background in the EdTech sector is noteworthy. Led by Henry Motte-Muñoz, a Harvard alumnus and seasoned professional with experience at Bain Capital and Goldman Sachs and Cecilia Calvo-Lewis, the Chief Operating Officer, holds a Master's Degree in Education Technology and possesses over 20 years of experience in EdTech companies. 

The Edge Expert Tutors, numbering over 800, are well-versed in the Science of Reading methodology, having worked in over 20 countries. Their extensive expertise in teacher training, curriculum design, and real-time analytics makes them the right team for the job.

While the leadership brings international experience, the inclusion of local experts and our collaboration with, a sister company founded by Henry, ensures cultural sensitivity. stands as the Philippines' leading EdTech platform, attracting over 10 million visitors and offering additional insights. It has established partnerships with private institutions, schools, foundations, and non-profit organizations, enhancing our understanding of the local educational landscape.

The team actively seeks input from Filipino educators, incorporating feedback through regular collaboration, focus groups, and pilot programs. This iterative process ensures that our teacher training tool is not only technically robust but also finely tuned to the unique needs and cultural nuances of Filipino educators and students.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Ensure that all children are learning in good educational environments, particularly those affected by poverty or displacement.

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 4. Quality Education
  • 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

What is your solution’s stage of development?


Please share details about why you selected the stage above.

Edge Tutor App has moved into the Pilot stage of development. With 1,025 active users and a course completion rate of 92%, it's showing promising engagement. Specifically designed for Reading Tutors, there are currently 12 courses available. The app is now actively used by the Edge Tutor community of over 800 active tutors and it has been deployed to 200 Master Teachers from public schools in low-income communities of Caloocan and Novaliches city.


  • Active User Base: EDGE App is on track to reach 5,000 teachers by Q3 2024

  • Completion and Pass Rates: Our courses boast impressive completion and pass rates, standing at 92% and 93% respectively, showcasing the effectiveness of our educational materials.

  • Visitor Engagement: With 3,087 visitors attracted to our courses, we've successfully captured interest and engagement in our educational offerings.

  • User Engagement: Users spend an average of 18 minutes and 8 seconds on our app, indicating strong engagement and interest in our content.

  • Organic Growth: Our user base is growing organically, with 300 new users being added to our platform each month.

Educational Impact:

  • Teacher Upskilling: We've focused on upskilling 5,000 public school teachers in critical subjects such as Math, Reading, and English.

  • Evidence-Based Approaches: We've implemented evidence-based teaching methodologies such as the Science of Reading and the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) method for Math Learning, ensuring the effectiveness of our educational content.

  • TESOL Course Development: In addition, we've developed a specialized TESOL course tailored for online English teachers, catering to the specific needs of this demographic.

  • Indirect Student Impact: Our efforts are anticipated to have an indirect impact on over 150,000 students through the enhanced capabilities of the teachers we've trained.

While proud of our achievements thus far, we aspire to scale our impact further, with the ultimate goal of reaching millions of educators worldwide in the future.

Why are you applying to Solve?

We are applying to Solve to leverage its network for overcoming specific barriers hindering the implementation of our Edge Tutor App. These barriers include financial constraints, limited training opportunities, and geographical isolation faced by public school teachers in the Philippines. Through Solve, we seek partnerships to provide necessary support, including technical expertise, access to our teacher-learning data for wider analysis and access to wider networks, ensuring the success and scalability of our solution.

The Edge Tutor App offers accessible and flexible professional development for teachers, particularly in underserved communities. We are committed to equity by offering free foundational courses and affordable access to a comprehensive course library. Additionally, we provide features like AI-powered translation into major Filipino dialects and international qualifications at a flat fee, aiming to close opportunity gaps and empower teachers to enhance their skills for better educational outcomes in the Philippines.

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
  • Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Henry Motte De la Motte

More About Your Solution

What makes your solution innovative?

The Edge Tutor App represents a pioneering advancement in education technology by empowering and upskilling educators, thereby directly influencing the lives of students. Through personalized learning experiences, evidence-based instructional strategies, and real-time feedback, the app equips teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide high-quality instruction aligned with current educational research. By prioritizing teacher professional development, we acknowledge the pivotal role educators play in shaping the future of their students. By improving teacher effectiveness and enhancing student learning outcomes, the Edge Tutor App initiates a chain reaction with far-reaching impacts, positively shaping the lives of numerous students and contributing to the broader advancement of education systems.

Describe in simple terms how and why you expect your solution to have an impact on the problem.

The Edge Tutor App is poised to have a transformative impact on the problem of low literacy levels among students, particularly in disadvantaged communities in the Philippines. By providing educators with personalized learning experiences, evidence-based instructional strategies, and real-time feedback, the app equips teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to deliver effective reading instruction in their classrooms. As educators enhance their teaching practices and adopt evidence-based methodologies such as the Science of Reading, students benefit from increased engagement, comprehension, and literacy proficiency. Over time, these improvements in teaching effectiveness are expected to result in higher literacy levels among students, better preparing them for academic success and future opportunities. By empowering educators and improving student outcomes, the Edge Tutor App has the potential to catalyze positive change within the education system, ultimately leading to a brighter future for generations of students in the Philippines and beyond.

What are your impact goals for your solution and how are you measuring your progress towards them?

Our impact goals for the Edge Tutor App are twofold: to significantly enhance literacy outcomes for students in the Philippines, particularly those in marginalized communities, and to empower educators with the necessary skills and knowledge to facilitate this improvement. To measure our progress, we track several key indicators: our active user base, which currently stands at 1,027 users, demonstrating the reach and adoption of our platform among educators; completion and pass rates of our courses, which stand at an impressive 92% and 93% respectively, showcasing the effectiveness of our educational materials; visitor engagement, with 3,087 visitors attracted to our courses, indicating strong interest and engagement in our offerings; user engagement, with an average session duration of 18 minutes and 8 seconds on our app, demonstrating sustained interest and interaction with our content; and organic growth, with 300 new users added to our platform each month, highlighting the increasing demand and adoption of our solution. By monitoring these indicators, we can assess the effectiveness of our intervention in bridging the achievement gap and improving literacy proficiency among students, ultimately working towards our vision of equitable access to quality education for all learners in the Philippines.

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

The core technology powering the Edge Tutor App is a sophisticated blend of AI-driven algorithms, gamification principles, and mobile application development. Leveraging artificial intelligence, our platform delivers personalized learning experiences tailored to the individual needs and learning styles of educators. This AI-driven approach allows us to provide targeted support and real-time feedback, enhancing the effectiveness of teacher training and professional development. Additionally, we incorporate gamification principles to make learning interactive and engaging, motivating educators to actively participate in their own upskilling journey. Our mobile application development ensures accessibility and convenience, allowing educators to access the Edge Tutor App anytime, anywhere, from their smartphones or tablets. By harnessing the power of AI, gamification, and mobile technology, we are revolutionizing teacher training and improving literacy outcomes for students in the Philippines and beyond.

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new application of an existing technology

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Software and Mobile Applications

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Philippines
Your Team

How many people work on your solution team?

Our solution team comprises 6 full-time members, and 2 contractors. Collectively, we have been dedicatedly working on our solution for the past 8 months.

How long have you been working on your solution?

Since August 2023, we've been diligently crafting our solution with a committed team. Leading the project is Henry Motte-Muñoz, who founded, a platform serving 7 million users with comprehensive resources empowering students to make informed decisions about their education and career paths.

Henry launched EDGE Tutor in 2023 to provide innovative tutoring solutions addressing educational inequalities. These solutions aim to make high-quality tutoring accessible and affordable, reaching not only locally but also spanning over 20 countries. Assisting Henry is Cecilia Calvo-Lewis, our COO, bringing over 20 years of experience in EdTech and extensive teacher training expertise at scale.

Tell us about how you ensure that your team is diverse, minimizes barriers to opportunity for staff, and provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for all team members.

Our leadership team embodies the diversity we champion at Edge Tutor:

CEO Henry Motte-Munoz brings a unique blend of French-Filipino heritage and LGBTQ+ identity, providing invaluable perspectives that enrich our vision and approach.

COO Cecilia Calvo contributes her Filipina identity and the profound experience of being the daughter of an immigrant who returned to the Philippines, offering insights rooted in cultural understanding and resilience.

David Festin, our Head of Learning, offers perspectives grounded in his Filipino background, which deepen our understanding of the communities we serve and inform our initiatives.

Robert Lewis, our Head of Research and Content, brings an international perspective from Canada, broadening our understanding of global dynamics and enhancing our ability to address diverse educational needs.

Together, our leadership team's diverse backgrounds and experiences strengthen our ability to create inclusive learning environments and drive positive change in education.

Your Business Model & Funding

What is your business model?

Beneficiary Segments:

Our primary beneficiaries are the 1 million public school teachers in the Philippines, addressing their need for accessible professional development. We also engage with stakeholders such as private education partners and governmental agencies to ensure relevance.

Social And Customer Value Proposition:

We prioritize equity and accessibility, offering flexible and affordable modules. Leveraging AI, we aim to remove language barriers. Our impact measures include empowering 1 million Filipino teachers by 2030.

Impact Measures:

Our goal is to empower 1 million Filipino teachers with globally aligned teaching skills by 2030. This is driven by reports highlighting educational disparities. Our courses will be integrated into teachers' CPD programs.


Profits will be reinvested to support the growth and sustainability of the Edge Tutor App across various areas, including team development, material creation, app maintenance, UX/UI design, language services, marketing, accreditation, and engagement tools

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?

Organizations (B2B)

What is your plan for becoming financially sustainable, and what evidence can you provide that this plan has been successful so far?

The financial sustainability of Edge Tutor App is ensured through a strategic approach. Initially, we're targeting 5,000 primary public school teachers, expanding our offerings and securing accreditation from NEAP to integrate with teachers' CPD programs. Our revenue model strikes a balance, offering free foundational courses while providing affordable access to our full library and certifications. This ensures accessibility while generating revenue.

Our pricing structure reflects our commitment to affordability and quality. Foundational courses are offered completely free of charge, allowing teachers to upgrade their skills without financial burden. For those seeking deeper learning experiences, access to our full course library and digital certifications is available at a nominal fee, equivalent to the price of a McDonald’s Happy Meal ($5). Additionally, international qualifications and certifications are offered for a flat fee of $50, providing teachers with globally recognized credentials. These pricing details demonstrate our dedication to providing accessible yet comprehensive professional development opportunities for teachers. Join us in revolutionizing teacher professional development.

Solution Team

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