Organization Details

What is your organization's classification?

For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

What is your organization's name?

TONGO Inspire Teaching

In what city, town, or region is your organization headquartered?

Medellín, Medellin, Antioquia, Colombia

In what country is your organization headquartered?

  • Colombia

Provide your organization’s mission and/or vision statement and list its core values.


Empower educators by providing creative tools and instructional design methods that seamlessly integrate socio-emotional learning with academic instruction, transforming teaching practices and enhancing student outcomes and well-being.

To revolutionize education by ensuring every classroom leverages socio-emotional learning to foster comprehensive development and prepare students for the complexities of life without adding to teachers workload. 


1. Innovation: We constantly seek creative solutions and high-quality learning methods and embrace new ideas that benefit educators and students alike. 

2. Empathy: We prioritize understanding and addressing students' and educators' socio-emotional and educational needs.

3. Integrity: We commit to the highest ethical conduct and transparency standards in all our operations, ensuring that tools support rather than complicate the teaching process. 

4. Collaboration: We believe in the power of partnership and community engagement to amplify our impact and achieve common goals.

5. Supportiveness: We focus on developing tools that support, not burden, educators and help them effortlessly and effectively enhance their teaching practices. 

How many products or programs does your organization operate? Please use numeric values only.


What is the name of the product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project?

TONGO Connecting academic instruction with socio-emotional learnings

Is it a product or a program?


In which Sub-Saharan or Latin American country or countries does this product or program currently operate?

  • Colombia

Does your product or program operate in any countries outside of these two regions?


What is this product or program’s stage of development?

Team Lead Details

Who (first and last name) is the Team Lead for your application and LEAP Project?

Isabel Gomez Velez

Solution Details

One-line solution summary: In 20 words or less, summarize your organization's product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project.

A systematic creative process that empowers educators to connect socio-emotional skills with academic content, using metaphors to foster meaningful learning.

Select the key characteristics of your target population. Select all that apply.

  • Primary school children (ages 5-12)

Upload your solution's Theory of Change or Logic Model.

Where would you place your solution on Nesta's Standards of Evidence?

Level 2: You capture data that shows positive change, but you cannot confirm you caused this.
LEAP Project Details

What type of research methods do you think will help answer your stated questions? Select all that apply.

  • Formative research (e.g. usability studies; feasibility studies; case studies; user interviews; implementation studies; process evaluations; pre-post or multi-measure research; correlational studies)
  • Summative research (e.g. impact evaluations; correlational studies; quasi-experimental studies; randomized control studies)

Solution Team

  • Tongo Método TONGO Inspire Teaching
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