Organization Details

What is your organization's classification?

Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit

What is your organization's name?

Crack The Code

In what city, town, or region is your organization headquartered?

Lima, Perú

In what country is your organization headquartered?

  • Peru

Provide your organization’s mission and/or vision statement and list its core values.

Crack the Code is a global leader in education, with over 6 years of experience. Our purpose is to create opportunities through coding, programming, and technology for children and youth in Latin America. To achieve this, the organization forms public-private partnerships with foundations, public institutions, and companies, enabling us to offer live and online programming classes to young students from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, starting from the age of 5. Delivering real-time classes significantly improves efficiency, learning outcomes, student engagement, and key interaction and completion indicators. Additionally, we distinguish ourselves by incorporating the latest educational trends to implement our courses, which are endorsed by recognized institutions such as Microsoft Education, UTEC, and Universidad Javeriana.

Crack The Code has worked with over 17,000 children and youth from more than 22 countries in the region, offering comprehensive training programs. Over the past 4 years, the organization has focused on working with students from public schools and/or vulnerable environments, allowing us to expand our impact. In this regard, we have been able to level their skills and guide them towards a successful educational experience. Recently, we have prepared 600 students from 7 public schools in Chía, Colombia. These 9th, 10th, and 11th-grade students participated in a curricular program with Crack The Code for an entire school year.

In pursuit of its goals, Crack the Code has formed various partnerships with leading companies in the sector such as Google, Telefónica, Microsoft, 3M, UNICEF, United Way, Mercado Libre, Mastercard, Fundación Santo Domingo, i3 Impacto Social, Fundación Banorte, Fundación Santo Domingo, Alcaldía de Chía, and Alcaldía de Bogotá, among others. These partnerships have allowed us to expand the reach of our courses to students in countries such as Mexico, Argentina, Peru, Colombia, Uruguay, Chile, etc.

Special mention deserves the two contests won by our organization sponsored by the Peruvian government, Innóvate Perú from the Ministry of Production, in two consecutive years; and Child Tech 2023 to implement a teacher training project in rural areas of Colombia in collaboration with United Way and CEMID.

The CRACK THE CODE Foundation was created with the purpose of collaborating on multi-year projects that have a significant impact on vulnerable populations, leveraging the experience of Crack The Code and providing the necessary resources to make them a reality. Since 2023, the foundation has been committed to this purpose, as evidenced by the project in the District of Barranquilla, where the 'More Education, More Innovation' program was launched, aimed at training over 3,000 young people in digital skills.

How many products or programs does your organization operate? Please use numeric values only.


What is the name of the product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project?

Niñas en la Tecnología-MX (Girls in Tech-MX)

Is it a product or a program?


In which Sub-Saharan or Latin American country or countries does this product or program currently operate?

  • Mexico

Does your product or program operate in any countries outside of these two regions?


What is this product or program’s stage of development?

Team Lead Details

Who (first and last name) is the Team Lead for your application and LEAP Project?

Natalia Pacora

Solution Details

One-line solution summary: In 20 words or less, summarize your organization's product or program that is the focus of your LEAP Project.

Program that promotes the acquisition of programming knowledge in girls, developing digital skills and computational thinking through play.

Select the key characteristics of your target population. Select all that apply.

  • Women & Girls
  • Primary school children (ages 5-12)
  • Urban
  • Low-Income

If you selected “other” please indicate which populations you serve.

High level of feminicides in region

Upload your solution's Theory of Change or Logic Model.

Where would you place your solution on Nesta's Standards of Evidence?

Level 2: You capture data that shows positive change, but you cannot confirm you caused this.
LEAP Project Details

What type of research methods do you think will help answer your stated questions? Select all that apply.

  • Foundational research (literature reviews, desktop research)
  • Formative research (e.g. usability studies; feasibility studies; case studies; user interviews; implementation studies; process evaluations; pre-post or multi-measure research; correlational studies)

Solution Team

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