Brain Health


Autism Detection at Birth

Early detection of autism through routine ABR testing

Team Lead

Oren Miron

Solution Summary

Autism affects approximately 75 million people worldwide. Therapy can significantly reduce symptom severity, but to be most effective, it must be administered at a very young age. Autism Detection at Birth enables this early intervention. The solution modifies Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) tests—routine hearing screenings performed on four million newborns each year—to help medical professionals detect autism earlier and at scale.

By examining extensive existing ABR testing data, Oren Miron’s research team found that autistic newborns have slower auditory nerve response times than non-autistic newborns. With this data, they developed an algorithm that can be applied to all ABR tests, effectively turning each screening into an autism test.

Market Opportunity

  • Four million infants receive ABR tests each year, providing an existing opportunity for autism screening.
  • Earlier detection can lead to more effective treatment.
  • Effective treatment helps people with autism enter the workforce and saves costs associated with care.


  • Research published in academic journals
  • Several publications pending

Organization Goals

  • By 2019, develop a sustainable business model that maximize patient benefits
  • Funding for additional research in different geographies

Existing Partnerships

Autism Detection at Birth current partners include:

  • Research with Harvard Medical School
  • Research with other Greater Boston area hospitals

Partnership Goals

Autism Detection at Birth seeks partners for:

  • Collaboration with NGOs working in developing nations to reach diverse populations

Solver Team

Organization Type:

Cambridge, MA, USA

Company Stage:

Working in:
USA and E. Africa


Solution Team:

  • LL LL
  • Oren Miron Reseach Associate, Harvard Medical School
  • Danielle Rasooly Scientist, Harvard University
  • KY KY
    Kun-Hsing Yu Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Harvard Medical School

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