Solution Overview

Solution Name:


One-line solution summary:

We are developing a technique that will insert our food scraps into our food cycle by feeding fish and plants in a small system at home

Pitch your solution.

AquagriTech is a zero waste integrated system. We value urban wastes as insect larvae that are ideal for feeding fish that, in their turn, grow plants by their dejections. We implemented this system in an urban greenhouse that produces fish, tomatoes and fresh vegetables and bio and agricultural fertilizer in the city. And we also miniaturized it in a kit of culture connected in order to make oneself its own healthy vegetables at home with zero effort and zero time.

What specific problem are you solving?

40% of harvests of agricultural products do not reach the cities for lack of logistic means in addition to being pollutants are becoming more and more expensive besides the ravages of plantations by rodent animals ... while cities they , growing every year by more than 5%, Brazzaville in his case has doubled its population in just 5 years. which means that local agricultural products become scarce and expensive, resulting in 70% of our food being imported from intensive production using chemicals and pesticides that cause many diseases of all kinds (according to the WHO in 2017 "2 people die every day for eating unhealthy food, while this production destroys entire natural ecosystems, thus depleting the natural resources of our planet while 1/3 of this production goes to waste and will never be consumed.

What is your solution?

We use food waste and unsold agricultural products by bioconversion as insect larvae with 70% protein ideal for feeding the fish and which are placed in a closed circuit with plants that assimilate their excrement from fish ideal for their growth in thus filtering the water which is found clean and purified to regain the fish. The cycle saves 90% of water, optimizes the spaces therefore ideal for cities, requires no effort or particular control. So accessible to urban families in order to control their food by growing their own vegetables at home in their kitchen or living room without being used to the area, with zero effort spending only 5 min per day, manageable remotely from his cellphone. In addition to being culture kits, they also serve as interior decor by placing fish and ornamental plants such as an aquarium.

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

the urban population is the most concerned by our solution. We install our AquagriTech greenhouses in the city near consumers, thus breaking the entire supply chain more and more expensive and polluting and offer healthy and fresh organic fish and vegetables with price stability throughout the year without shortages at $ 8 for 1kg of fish and $ 1 for a 400g pile of vegetables; and the remains of the bioconversion of waste are used as fertilizer by local farmers in exchange for their crop waste. Likewise for food scraps which are harvested from a network of customer households serving as a direct and privileged relationship with them. On the other hand, we offer AquagriTech kit solutions connected to smartphones with an average of $ 160 for families, restaurants, and hotels in order to produce vegetables and fruits yourself and have control over what we eat. . In addition to being simple cultivation kits, they also serve as interior decor by putting ornamental plants and fish.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Equip workers with technological and digital literacy as well as the durable skills needed to stay apace with the changing job market

Explain how the problem, your solution, and your solution’s target population relate to the Challenge and your selected dimension.

farmers recycle agricultural waste as natural manure from our bioconversion. Consumers also recycle their consumption waste, for products at good prices, better quality, healthy and fresh, regularity and availability on the market. Then with the kits we have the possibility of making it an additional source of income, respectful of the environment and player in preserving the health of its consumers. And finally, our employees who are proud to participate in this movement to empower our food while preserving our environment.

Who is the primary delegate for your solution?


What is your solution’s stage of development?

Pilot: An organization deploying a tested product, service, or business model in at least one community

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?

Brazzaville, République du Congo
More About Your Solution

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new technology

Describe what makes your solution innovative.

unlike the current exploitation model which consists in exhausting natural resources to make food that we eat or throw away. we recover the nutrients still present in this waste to reinsert it into the human food cycle. while implementing a personalized food culture system so that each city dweller cultivates for his own food in the city without disturbing his habits, since culture requires no space, time, money and even less special control to agriculture. this new way of life will greatly reduce the food waste that continues to grow in cities and a more rational exploitation of the resources of our planet. on the other hand, we produce food and fish in the city to directly feed the neighborhoods, this reduces the problems of food preservation, polluting logistics ...

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

AquagriTech is a vertically integrated zero waste system. We collect and recycle the waste that pollutes our cities into natural fish food. And and the remnants of this bio-conversion of waste are used as natural fertilizer by local farmers in exchange for their crop waste. Then these naturally nourished fish are put in symbiosis with plants in a single closed system. So that the plants use the excrement of the fish for their growth while filtering the water which will regain the fish, making a cycle which saves 90% of water, space and money. We had implemented this technology in an urban greenhouse that produces fish, tomatoes and vegetables in the middle of the city near consumers, thus breaking the heavily polluting and expensive logistics chain, thereby enabling us to make healthy food accessible to all budgets of the society because AquagriTech greatly reduces operating costs and optimizes production (the tomato which reaches maturity in 3 months on land will only spend 2 months in our greenhouses). And then we had managed to miniaturize the technique in a simple, adapted and connected growing kit in order to make your own healthy vegetables at home with zero effort, zero time and zero expenses. In addition to being simple kits, they also serve as interior decor, sources of income in case of excess crops,

Provide evidence that this technology works.

our technology combines aquaponics and bioconversion. aquaponics is widely used in Europe, the United States and Africa ...
bioconversion is also widely used around the world

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Biotechnology / Bioengineering

Select the key characteristics of your target population.

  • Urban
  • Low-Income

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 2. Zero Hunger
  • 5. Gender Equality
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Congo, Rep.

In which countries will you be operating within the next year?

  • Angola
  • Congo, Dem. Rep.

How many people does your solution currently serve? How many will it serve in one year? In five years?

we are 

About Your Team

What type of organization is your solution team?

For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

How many people work on your solution team?

5 full-time and 4 part-time

How many years have you worked on your solution?


Solution Team

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