Solution overview

Our Solution

Green Technology


Energy-efficient refrigerators and air conditioners are not a fantasy. With our new compressor they can save up to 30% electricity.

Pitch us on your solution

There is a global problem of saving electricity, concerning to the problem of getting huge portions of electricity. At least we must solve the problem of energy-efficiency. And at least we must to reach the 7th SDG, Affordable and clean energy.

Our new compressor, developed by a new patented technology, is saving 30% of electricity. There is lots of equipment, using compressor inside. So if we replace old compressors with the new one, that equipment will save 30% of electricity. 
I am concentrated currently on refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners. Imagine your refrigerator or air conditioner saves 30% of electricity. In case of mass use of such equipment, we can save huge amount of electricity and fill the gap of the lack of electricity.

Film your elevator pitch

What is the problem you are solving?

Energy-saving issue is a global, worldwide problem. To describe the scale of the problem, you should know, that the half of Africa's population doesn't have electricity. And nearly the half of world's population gets electricity with problems, in small portions. 

According to this, we have 2 global problems:

1. How to save electricity,

2. How to generate huge portions of electricity.

If we will solve the first problem, we will have enough time to think about the solution of the second problem. And if we will solve the second problem and find ways to get more electricity, we can use electric cars worldwide, saving the nature ecosystem.

getting clean and affordable energy is one of the Sustainable development Goals, the 7th. So the mankind must reach this goal by 2030.

Who are you serving?

I'm a team lead and project manager. I have established an IT company branch 3 years ago and now have 50 employees there. 

We develop different projects, focusing mainly on SDGs.

Currently we have Forest Guard, smast IOT sensor monitoring system for preventing illegal logging and wildfires in forests. This project aims to to reach 13 and 15th SGD, Life on land and Climate action. This is a energy-saving solution, able to work 4-6 years with the same batteries.

And I have my personal project, Green technology, which is an engineering solution to save electricity, accordingly natural resources and people's money. 

What is your solution?

We have a patented technology, I call it green technology. Why green? Because it saves electricity and fuel.

Based on this technology, we canconstruct

1. new Internal Combustion Engine,

2. new Compressor.

New IC engine will  save fuel 2,5 times. New Compressor will save 30% electricity.

Currently we are making the industrial prototype of new compressor, for a freezer.

New compressor can be used in a huge amount of equipment and independently, in car-charging gas-stations. We are concentrated now on air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers. 

The prototype, that we are making now, is for freezer. We will compare 2 freezers, one with its old compressor, and the second with our new compressor, both having the same capacity (power).

If the New compressor will be used widely, in many types of equipment, the electricity-saving will be huge.

Besides, the use of such equipment will give people benefits like money saving, equipment noise-reduction, etc...

The technology is patented in Armenia as Volumetric Rotary Machine. And we have a submission to World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), which proves the technology is unique and can have an international patent. 

Which dimensions of the challenge does your solution most closely address?

  • Reduce the incidence of NCDs from air pollution, lack of exercise, or unhealthy food

Where is your solution team headquartered?

Vanadzor, Armenia

Our solution's stage of development:

More about your solution

Select one of the below:

New technology

Describe what makes your solution innovative.

The solution has an Armenian patent.

It is based on new rotary machine, which saves fuel and electricity. 

This is the invention of me and my father.

The problems, on which my solution affects, are 
1. Energy efficiency issue,
2. High-price electricity consumption (electricity-consuming equipment),
3. Environmental pollution,
4. Consumption of natural resources. 

Describe the core technology that your solution utilizes.

The core technology is a volumetric rotary machine, which allows to construct an energy-efficient compressor.

The Volumetric rotary machine, which may be used as an internal combustion engine, compressor, pump, hydraulic and pneumatic engines. 

Why do you expect your solution to address the problem?

The mankind need energy-efficient equipment.

We must make our household and industrial equipment as efficient, as we can, because the generating of electricity needs natural resources consumption, and those resources are limited. 

Our solution helps to save electricity and slow down natural resources consumption and decreases harmful emissions.

The problems, on which my solution affects, are 
1. Energy efficiency issue,
2. High-price electricity consumption (electricity-consuming equipment),
3. Environmental pollution,
4. Consumption of natural resources. 

The solution for each mentioned problem.
1. So, in case of mass use of our product in different types of equipment, urban residents can save electricity. And just because almost the half of world's population has problems with having electricity, the other part of the population must find ways to save it, to gave a chance to the other part to have electricity. We must create and use devices and equipment, which save electricity in the best way.
2. By using our product, people simply will pay less for the electricity.
3. Getting electricity causes environmental pollution, this is not a secret. So if the mankind finds ways to save electricity and have less need of it, the pollution will be decreased. 
4. Getting electricity needs natural resources consumption. Natural resources are limited, they will end about after a decade. Our solution will help to decrease the use of natural resources.

Select the key characteristics of the population your solution serves.

  • Rural Residents
  • Urban Residents
  • Low-Income
  • Middle-Income

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Armenia

In which countries will you be operating within the next year?

  • Armenia
  • Germany
  • United States

How many people are you currently serving with your solution? How many will you be serving in one year? How about in five years?

This year we will make the pilot program, and after, hopefully, find a customer in Germany. In that case, we will serve 200000 people next year.

What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?

Just because I started to fill this form 2 hours ago and I already don't have time to fill it, just want to say that I will go to the lucky final point with this project, I will help people to save the nature and their financial resources.

I believe in my project, I know this is not a simple business project, it has a big climate and social impact. Just imagine, equipment, that saves 30% electricity! It is not a fantasy, it will become reality. I promise.

What are the barriers that currently exist for you to accomplish your goals for the next year and for the next five years?

The only barrier is, I live in a small country called Armenia, it is hard to find customers in Armenia, because there are no compressor producing companies here. And it is hard to find customers abroad, because we, as a small country, have a problem of trust.

How are you planning to overcome these barriers?

I'm already overcoming this barriers, by going to international summits and representing my projects, and getting new interested people, new useful connections.

About your team

How many people work on your solution team?


For how many years have you been working on your solution?

3 years totally

Why are you and your team best-placed to deliver this solution?

My team consists of high experienced mechanical engineers. And I am also a programmer. I am doing mainly the project management and networking.

My team members work with SolidWorks, CATIA, AutoCAD, PTC CREO, Adams, MSC Nastran, ANSYS, ABAQUS, HyperMesh, MATLAB, LabVIEW. We all are locate din Armenia, some of us in Yerevan, some in Vanadzor. 

Your business model & funding

What is your business model?

My product offers people 

>> reduction of expenses, 

>> comfort while using household and industrial equipment,  

>> nature ecosystem saving,

>> electricity saving.

For example, an average person will save 360 dollars annually for his one air conditioner. This is a good saving for an average person, who earns 1000 dolalrs monthly..

What is your path to financial sustainability?

The first stage of our project we are implementing by grant amount, $5000. The next stage also will need some funding from the cooperating company. The product will reach its payback during the start of the 2nd year of production.

Partnership potential

Why are you applying to Solve?

I am applying to solve, because

>> This is a new opportunity, I don't miss any new opportunity,

>> my friends encouraged me to apply, saying my projects fits this challenge,

>> I want to bring my project to an international level, and SOLVE can help me in this case,

>> I need bigger audience,

>> I need a good networking ourside Armenia,

>> SOLVE can provide me professional network to represent my project and be recognized.

What types of connections and partnerships would be most catalytic for your solution?

  • Business model
  • Distribution
  • Funding and revenue model
  • Legal
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Media and speaking opportunities
  • Other

If you selected Other, please explain here.


With what organizations would you like to partner, and how would you like to partner with them?

I can partner in different ways:

>> I can sale the patent (which is not the better solution for me),

>> I can become a partner with a venture-supporting company,

>> I can become a partner with a producing company,

>> I can cooperate with angel-investors, establishing production from scratch.

If you would like to apply for the Innovating Together for Healthy Cities Prize, describe how you and your team will utilize the prize to advance your solution.

I will use every cent for making mass production of my product, including also the promotion part.

If you would like to apply for the Innovation for Women Prize, describe how you and your team will utilize the prize to advance your solution.

I will use every cent for making mass production of my product, including also the promotion part.

If you would like to apply for the UN Women She Innovates Prize for Gender-Responsive Innovation, describe how you and your team will utilize the prize to advance your solution.

I will use every cent for making mass production of my product, including also the promotion part.

According to my experience, because the 85% of my employees are women, I can surely say that women have an incredible power, only some of them, especially in Armenia, don't realize that. I would like not only to develop my project and get prizes and extend it, but also to become a live example for women, to make them to believe in themselves, like I do now for my employees.

Solution Team

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