Presented with
Implementing Solutions

The Horizon Prize: 2022

How can we improve the quality of life of people who have been diagnosed with a rare disease?

Submissions are Closed


Nicole Boice

Founder & Chief Mission Officer, Global Genes / RARE-X

United States

Vanessa Boulanger

Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships, Amyloidosis Research Consortium

Jeff Himawan PhD

Managing Director, Essex Woodlands Health Ventures

Vikram Karnani

EVP and President, International, Horizon International

Kevin Keaton

Partner, Red Cell Partners

​Raquel Peck

Founder and Director, Clarion I

Ajay Royyuru

Chief Science Officer, Healthcare & Life Sciences Research, IBM Research

United States

Eda Selebatso

Founder and Chairperson, Botswana Organisation for Rare Diseases (BORDIS)

Palak Shah

Social Innovations Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance

Judging Criteria

The judging panel is comprised of cross-sector and proximate leaders from around the world. Judges assess the most promising solutions to the Challenge through several rounds of evaluation. 

Judging Criteria

Judges evaluate submitted solutions using the following criteria. Judges assign a numerical score for each criterion from which an average score for each solution is calculated. Each criterion has equal weight. After solutions have been evaluated, a ranked-list of solutions is then created for further consideration by the Judges. Judges deliberate twice: once to select finalists and again to select winners.

  • Alignment: The solution address the key dimensions of the Prize. 

  • Potential for Impact: The planned solution implementation has the potential to impact the intended population.

  • Feasibility: The team has a realistic, practical plan for implementing the solution, and it is feasible in the given context.

  • Innovative Approach: The solution includes a new technology, a new application of technology, a new business model, or a new process for solving the Challenge.

  • Inclusive Human-Centered Design: The solution is designed with and for underserved communities, and the solution team demonstrates proximity to the community and embodies and addresses diversity, equity, and inclusion through their solution.

  • Scalability: The solution has a plan for financial viability and the potential to be scaled to affect the lives of more people.

  • Partnership Potential: The applicant clearly explains how the solution would benefit from the broad range of resources that the global health community is positioned to provide.

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