Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

Our Organization

TMI Africa ( The MedAccess Initiative For Africa)

What is the name of your solution?


Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

SafeHelp AI-Powered app leverages advanced technology to foster healing, by connecting sex trafficking survivors to psychosocial and financial support

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?

Benin City, Nigeria

In what country is your solution team headquartered?

  • Nigeria

What type of organization is your solution team?

Hybrid of for-profit and nonprofit

Film your elevator pitch.

What specific problem are you solving?

Sex trafficking remains one of the most severe human rights violations still occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa, despite established human rights frameworks.

Every year, thousands of young Nigerian women and girls fall victim to the harsh reality of forced commercial sex trafficking, both within Nigeria and across borders to Europe. This modern-day slavery is a profound issue in Sub-Saharan Africa, where an estimated 40 million people are currently enslaved worldwide, according to the Global Slavery Index. 

In 2020, the National Agency For The Prohibition Of Trafficking In Persons (NAPTIP) in Nigeria, received 146 reports related to the procurement of persons for sexual exploitation, and a further 85 reports in the first half of 2021. In Nigeria alone, approximately 1.4 million people are currently trapped in modern slavery, with young women and girls disproportionately affected. 

These victims are often coerced or deceived with promises of legitimate employment opportunities and greener pastures, only to find themselves ensnared in a life of exploitation and abuse, others are threatened with juju (voodoo curses) into debt bondage, often making them swear an oath to repay their ‘debts’ to control them.

Beyond the staggering cases of external trafficking to Europe, Poor Nigerian women are also internally trafficked, often from rural to urban areas, for the purpose of recruitment into ‘baby factories.’ They are lured into hidden locations, where they are forcibly impregnated, held hostage and made to deliver children who are sold to families seeking to adopt, or to other traffickers for the purposes of labour or sexual exploitation.

On a global scale, Nigeria ranks among the top five countries with the highest number of trafficking victims in Europe, according to a 2020 report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). This cross-border trafficking not only devastates the lives of individuals and families but also perpetuates cycles of poverty, inequality, and gender-based violence.

Contributing factors to this crisis include systemic poverty, lack of education, and weak law enforcement. Many victims come from impoverished rural areas where educational and economic opportunities are scarce. Traffickers exploit these vulnerabilities, luring victims with false promises. Furthermore, inadequate legal frameworks and corruption hinder effective prosecution and protection efforts, allowing traffickers to operate with impunity.

Sex trafficking causes severe and long-lasting trauma for victims, resulting from a combination of physical, emotional abuse, betrayal by traffickers who promised help and support, loss of control over their own lives, economic devastation and stigma from society. These factors intertwine to create deep and long-lasting scars, often driving survivors to silence and suffering, after they escape their traffickers.

This silence prevents them from accessing essential legal, financial and mental health support which they desperately need, further perpetuating a cycle of prolonged poverty, injustice, severe mental health challenges, and even suicide.

All these factors highlight the urgent need for our unique solution to combat the problem of sex trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing survivors with an easily accessible AI-powered solution SAFEHELP to provide them with critical legal, financial and mental health support they need.

What is your solution?

We are developing a comprehensive mobile application called SAFEHELP, designed specifically to empower survivors of sex trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa. SAFEHELP integrates cutting-edge AI technology to provide personalized support ensuring survivors receive holistic care to facilitate their recovery and reintegration into society.

SAFEHELP serves as a Personalized Resource Hub, utilizing advanced AI algorithms to tailor resource recommendations based on each survivor's unique profile, location, and specific needs.

Our application bridges the gap between survivors and mental health professionals by allowing survivors to easily connect with a network of licensed therapists trained in trauma-informed care. Through secure messaging and video calls, powered by end-to-end encryption, survivors can receive personalized therapy sessions tailored to their unique experiences and needs. AI and machine learning algorithms analyze individual progress and needs to offer personalized therapy recommendations, ensuring they get the specialized support they deserve.

The app features a 24/7 emergency support system, allowing survivors to connect with crisis counselors in times of acute distress. This immediate support can be lifesaving, providing an essential safety net during moments of crisis. Cloud computing ensures that these resources are available in real-time, anytime and anywhere, breaking down barriers to access.

Survivors can join moderated virtual support groups through the app, offering a safe space to share experiences, provide mutual support, and build a sense of community. These groups reduce the feelings of isolation promoting healing through shared stories and experiences. The integration of AI helps match survivors with the most relevant support groups based on their specific needs and backgrounds.

Legal assistance is an essential aspect of our solution featuring a Virtual Legal Clinic where survivors can connect with legal advisors for consultations and support with legal challenges. This will provide access to justice, protection, and safety. It empowers survivors by helping them understand and assert their rights, prevents re-exploitation, and supports their recovery by addressing legal challenges integral to their healing process. This ensures survivors can navigate complex legal systems, regain agency over their lives, and pursue justice effectively.

Additionally, Financial empowerment is facilitated through partnerships with NGOs and companies, offering job training programs and employment opportunities aimed at fostering financial independence among survivors. Additionally, microfinancing options and financial literacy programs are available to assist survivors in starting businesses or managing their finances effectively.

SAFEHELP integrates sophisticated multilingual support features powered by natural language processing (NLP) technology, specifically designed to cater to the linguistic diversity found across indigenous African communities in Sub-Saharan Africa. By accommodating diverse linguistic preferences, SAFEHELP ensures that all survivors, regardless of their primary language, can access and comprehend information and services effectively. This not only enhances accessibility but also creates trust. 

The use of mobile technology ensures that support is always within reach, breaking down barriers to access that many survivors face. Through a combination of AI-driven personalized therapy, emergency support, virtual support groups, legal and financial assistance, , and emergency help, our app provides sex-trafficking survivors with the resources and support they need to heal and rebuild their lives.

How are you ensuring ethical and responsible use of technology in your work, especially if you’re utilizing AI? How are you addressing or mitigating potential risks in your solution?

Ensuring ethical and responsible use of technology is paramount in the development and deployment of Trauma-Informed Psychosocial Support, especially given the vulnerable population it serves. Our approach integrates advanced technologies with rigorous ethical standards to address and mitigate potential risks, focusing on privacy, security, and ethical considerations as the solution scales.

Privacy and security are fundamental concerns in handling sensitive data of sex trafficking survivors. To address this, we employ end-to-end encryption for all communications within the app, ensuring that conversations between survivors and mental health professionals remain confidential and secure. Additionally, we implement robust authentication protocols, including multi-factor authentication (MFA), to prevent unauthorized access to user accounts. Data storage is managed through secure cloud services compliant with international data protection standards such as GDPR and HIPAA, ensuring that user data is protected against breaches and unauthorized access.

We also recognize the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence (AI) in our solution. While AI can enhance the functionality of the app by providing personalized recommendations and support, it also poses risks related to bias and fairness. To mitigate these risks, we conduct comprehensive bias assessments and audits of our AI algorithms, ensuring they are trained on diverse datasets that represent the demographic and cultural backgrounds of our users. This helps prevent discriminatory outcomes and ensures equitable treatment of all users.

Ethical considerations extend to the overall design and implementation of the app. We have implemented a comprehensive risk assessment framework that identifies potential risks at various stages of development and deployment. This framework includes regular security audits, privacy impact assessments, and ethical reviews conducted by an independent ethics board comprising experts in technology, mental health, and human rights. These assessments help us identify and address potential vulnerabilities and ethical concerns proactively, ensuring that our solution remains safe and responsible.

One innovative approach we use to ensure ethical and responsible technology use is differential privacy. This technique adds "noise" to data, allowing us to derive useful insights without compromising the privacy of individual users. This ensures that aggregate data can be analyzed to improve the service while protecting the anonymity of users.

Another advanced technology we employ is federated learning, which allows our AI models to be trained across multiple devices without sharing raw data. This means that sensitive information never leaves the user's device, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing user privacy.

User consent is also a critical component of our ethical approach. We provide clear and transparent information about data usage, privacy policies, and user rights, ensuring that survivors can make informed decisions about their participation. Users have control over their data, with options to anonymize or delete their information at any time, enhancing their autonomy and trust in the platform.

Safe help- AI powered App Support integrates advanced technologies with robust ethical safeguards to ensure the responsible use of technology providing a safe and supportive platform for survivors of sex trafficking.

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

Our solution, SAFEHELP, is specifically designed to address the critical needs of survivors of sex trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa. This vulnerable population, ranging from ages 12 to 40, has endured severe physical, emotional, and psychological trauma as a result of exploitation. Predominantly women and children from marginalized communities, they often lack access to essential resources like healthcare, legal aid, and psychological support, which are crucial for their recovery and reintegration into society.

Currently, these survivors are underserved across multiple domains. Mental health services are often insufficient or inaccessible in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially specialized care tailored to the complex trauma experienced by trafficking survivors. Legal support is limited, making it difficult for survivors to navigate legal processes and seek justice against their traffickers. Furthermore, opportunities for financial empowerment, such as job training and microfinancing, are essential for survivors to achieve economic independence and stability but are not widely available.

Our solution directly impacts the lives of these survivors by addressing their most pressing needs in several transformative ways:

1. Access to Mental Health Support: By providing a platform to connect with licensed therapists and mental health professionals, our solution ensures that survivors receive the specialized care they need. This access to professional support is crucial for addressing trauma, building resilience, and promoting long-term mental health.

2. Community and Peer Support: Through virtual support groups, survivors can connect with others who have shared similar experiences. This sense of community reduces isolation, promotes mutual support, and provides a safe space for survivors to share their stories and heal together.

3. Empowerment and Autonomy: Through partnerships with NGOs and private sector organizations, SAFEHELP offers job training programs, employment opportunities, and financial literacy initiatives. Survivors can access microfinancing options to start businesses or manage their finances, promoting economic independence and stability. By empowering survivors financially, SAFEHELP supports their long-term resilience and reduces vulnerabilities to exploitation.

4. Legal Assistance for Justice: The app features a Virtual Legal Clinic where survivors can connect with pro bono legal advisors for consultations and support with legal matters. This includes guidance on navigating legal processes, assistance in accurately filling out legal documents, and advocacy to seek justice against traffickers. By facilitating access to legal resources, SAFEHELP empowers survivors to address legal challenges effectively and pursue accountability for their perpetrators.

5. Reduced Stigma and Increased Awareness: By facilitating anonymous access to mental health services, our solution helps reduce the stigma associated with seeking help. It encourages survivors to reach out for support without fear of judgment or social repercussions, promoting a more open and accepting environment for mental health care.

6. Holistic Recovery: Our solution addresses not only the psychological but also the emotional and social aspects of recovery. By offering a comprehensive suite of tools and resources, we support survivors in rebuilding their lives holistically, ensuring they have the support needed to thrive.

By addressing the multifaceted needs of this underserved population, we aim to facilitate their journey towards healing, resilience, and reintegration into society.

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

Firstly, as the Founder and Executive Director of TMI Africa, I am deeply rooted in the communities we serve, having spent over five years, building the right experience, skillset, network and leadership required in advocating for the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of vulnerable women and girls in underserved areas across Nigeria.

In 2016, nearly 11,000 women who arrived in Italy for sex trafficking through the Mediterranean Sea, came from Edo state. Young girls in Edo state are continuously being enticed with false promises to leave Nigeria and travel abroad for a better life, by the traffickers. Hence, our proximity to the problem puts us in the best position to solve this problem. With our organization headquartered in Edo State, our geographical proximity, allows us to understand firsthand the challenges these communities face and the urgency of addressing the epidemic of sex trafficking. 

Lastly, the strength of our solution lies in the collective experience and dedication of our team. Esther Amos, our Program Manager, is a Youth Advocate for UNICEF Nigeria. Her extensive work advocating for the SRHR of teenage girls in underserved communities has equipped her with the insight and empathy necessary to understand and address the needs of our target population.

Favour OLUWATOBI Ogedegbe, our Health Tech Expert, brings over four years of experience in leveraging technology to improve health outcomes for women and girls in Sub-Saharan Africa. Her expertise in health tech ensures that SAFEHELP remains at the forefront of innovation, utilizing cutting-edge technology to provide effective solutions.

Our technical leads, Valentina Buoro and Joy Uchechi Ude, bring a wealth of experience in software engineering and UI/UX design, respectively. Valentina's background in building innovative cutting-edge health tech solutions, including AI models, and leading teams efficiently ensures that SAFEHELP is both robust and scalable. Joy's expertise in UI/UX design guarantees that our platform is user-friendly and accessible, making it easy for survivors to navigate and utilize the resources available to them.

Our team's proximity to the problem and deep understanding of the communities we serve are what make us uniquely positioned to deliver this solution. We have a track record of successful grassroots campaigns, such as our collaboration with the Nigerian Medical Women Association of Nigeria (MWAN) Edo State Chapter and the National Agency for Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP), Edo State. During our nationwide grassroots campaign, we organized a road march to raise awareness and commemorate World Day Against Trafficking of Humans. We educated the people of underserved communities in Edo State on the prevention of trafficking and listened to the stories of survivors, which further informed our approach.

The design and implementation of SAFEHELP are guided by continuous feedback and input from the communities we serve. We actively engage with survivors, local leaders, and other stakeholders to ensure that our solution addresses their real priorities. This community-driven approach ensures that SAFEHELP is not just a technological solution but a comprehensive support system that empowers survivors on their journey towards recovery.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Bettering existing resources for legal, financial, physical, psychological, and social well-being

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 1. No Poverty
  • 2. Zero Hunger
  • 3. Good Health and Well-Being
  • 5. Gender Equality

What is your solution’s stage of development?


Please share details about why you selected the stage above.

SAFEHELP mobile app, is currently in the prototype stage, marked by the successful development and initial the implementation of a sophisticated digital platform designed specifically to support survivors of sex trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa. Our solution is currently providing a comprehensive range of services through an accessible and user-friendly website. This platform serves as a essential hub offering immediate access to emergency assistance, educational resources tailored to survivors' needs, and connections to local support networks and services.

The development of SAFEHELP's prototype website has been a meticulous process, guided by extensive research into the unique challenges faced by survivors in our target regions. We have prioritized building secure and anonymous channels for incident reporting, ensuring confidentiality and safety for users. Additionally, the platform includes comprehensive resources on trauma-informed care, legal rights, and mental health support, all designed to empower survivors in their journey towards healing and reintegration.

Throughout the prototype phase, we have conducted rigorous testing and user feedback sessions to refine and optimize platform functionalities. This iterative approach has allowed us to enhance usability across different devices and internet connectivity levels, ensuring equitable access for all survivors, regardless of their technological resources.

To date, Through our flagship organization, Team Medaccess (TMI), a non-profit organization promoting sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls in Nigeria, SAFEHELP has directly impacted 5,000 women and girls, providing essential support services through our digital platform, awareness campaigns and workshops in communities and schools. This initial success validates our approach and indicates the urgent need for tailored solutions that address the complex realities of sex trafficking survivors in Sub-Saharan Africa.

In addition to our current efforts, we are scaling our impact by developing an AI-powered application designed to further enhance the support available to survivors. This innovative tool will provide real-time assistance, personalized recommendations, and predictive analytics to anticipate and address the needs of survivors more effectively. By leveraging artificial intelligence, we aim to create a more responsive and adaptive support system that can operate at scale, offering consistent and reliable assistance to a larger number of users.

Looking ahead, our focus remains on scaling our impact and deepening our engagement with local communities and stakeholders. Having partnerships with over 20 NGOs, 5 Healthcare providers and 10 legal experts, we aim to expand these partnerships to strengthen the support ecosystem available to survivors. Also, the ongoing collaboration with survivor-led organizations and advocacy groups will inform the continuous improvement of SAFEHELP, ensuring it remains responsive to evolving needs and challenges.

The prototype stage of SAFEHELP marks a pivotal milestone in our journey to deliver sustainable and impactful solutions that empower survivors and create positive change in communities affected by sex trafficking across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Why are you applying to the Challenge?

We have faced so many barriers in form of financial, legal and socioeconomic challenges, on our journey to solving this critical problem, the most significant of which is inadequate funding. This has posed a huge threat to the realization of our goals for victims, over the past four years. 

At TMI Africa, adequate funding is critical for the effective execution of our operations and variety of activities, including our innovative tech-driven projects like SAFEHELP, in the provision of effective rehabilitation and support services for survivors, and many other critical aspects of our operations.

Hence, by participating in this Challenge, we hope to secure funding that will enable the expansion of our efforts, ensuring that we can provide sustained and impactful support to victims of sex trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa over the long haul.

Technical Support: As part of our efforts in providing specialized trauma-informed psychosocial support for victims of sex trafficking, we require a sustainable and efficient technological infrastructure for improved service delivery. These advanced technical tools are crucial for ensuring the survivors get the specialized support necessary to begin their healing journey. Winning this challenge will provide our team with access to cutting-edge technologies and technical expertise, allowing us to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of our interventions. With these resources, we can develop a robust technological infrastructure that supports real-time data analysis to help victims recover rapidly.

Legal Support: Our team consists of a lawyer, who has been able to bring in the service of other lawyers to provide pro bono services to our users. Despite our concerted efforts, the legal landscape in sub-Saharan Africa still presents challenges in the fight against sex trafficking. With these deep systemic challenges, such as Inadequate legal frameworks, and corruption, justice is still being impeded for victims, hindering the prosecution of traffickers. Navigating these legal complexities requires specialised knowledge and strategic advocacy. Thus we believe that getting into this program will help facilitate efforts to influence policy changes, while ensuring that our legal systems are equipped to combat trafficking more effectively and justly.

Currently, factors such as the Stigmatization of victims, gender inequality, and lack of awareness about the realities of sex trafficking still pose significant obstacles to our ability to get survivors to actively seek out our services. Hence this program will provide us with Global visibility and PR, which will help promote the SAFEHELP mobile application for Survivors both within and outside the country. These efforts will foster a more supportive environment for survivors and reduce the societal tolerance for trafficking.

This Challenge represents a pivotal opportunity for SAFEHELP to overcome the financial, technical, legal, and cultural barriers that slow down effort in helping victims recover. By leveraging the resources, expertise, collaboration and six-month long programming support potential offered by winning this Challenge, we can make significant strides towards eradicating this human rights violation and restoring dignity and hope to countless lives affected.

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
  • Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
  • Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
  • Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
  • Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Chioma Favour Uzoma

More About Your Solution

What makes your solution innovative?

Traditional support systems that currently exists for sex trafficking survivors in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa, often involve fragmented services, requiring individuals to navigate multiple organizations to access the help they need. SAFEHELP integrates these services into a single platform, streamlining the support process and reducing the barriers to access. This holistic approach not only saves time and effort for survivors but also minimizes the risk of re-traumatization that can occur when repeatedly recounting their experiences to different service providers.

Also, most traditional solutions for survivors of sex trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa face significant limitations due to their lack of data-driven approaches. These methods often rely on generalized support frameworks, which fail to address the unique and diverse needs of each survivor. Without the ability to analyze and utilize data effectively, these solutions cannot provide personalized care, resulting in many survivors not receiving the specific legal, financial, or psychosocial assistance they require. Additionally, the absence of data integration hampers the ability to track progress and outcomes, making it difficult to measure the efficacy of interventions. 

Being the first of its kind in Sub-Saharan Africa, SAFEHELP leverages AI algorithms to deliver personalized resource recommendations, fundamentally transforming the support landscape for sex trafficking survivors. By conducting thorough needs assessments for survivors, analyzing individual profiles, geographical locations, and unique legal, financial, and psychosocial needs, SAFEHELP offers tailored support that goes beyond the one-size-fits-all solutions typically available.

This personalized approach ensures that each survivor receives resources and recommendations that are directly relevant to their specific circumstances, enhancing the effectiveness of the assistance provided.Our solution’s AI algorithms continuously learns and adapts, in order to improve the accuracy of recommendations over time. This dynamic capability allows SAFEHELP to remain responsive to the evolving needs of survivors and the changing landscape of available resources.

Lastly, our platform's ability to track and monitor progress is crucial, this continuous monitoring allows for timely interventions and adjustments, ensuring that survivors stay on their path to recovery and reintegration. Our solution’s data analytics feature enables the identification of trends and gaps in service delivery, informing better policy-making and resource allocation. Ultimately, we not only empower survivors by providing them with the right resources at the right time but also enhance the overall efficiency and effectiveness of support systems in the Sub-Saharan African region.

SAFEHELP's innovative model has the potential to inspire other organizations and stakeholders in the fight against sex trafficking, fostering partnerships and collaboration among NGOs, legal aid organizations, financial institutions, and mental health professionals, promoting a more cohesive and efficient support network. By demonstrating the effectiveness of our AI-driven, personalized support, SAFEHELP will be setting a new standard for survivor assistance. Other regions and countries can adapt this model to their specific contexts, creating a ripple effect of improved support systems worldwide.

Describe in simple terms how and why you expect your solution to have an impact on the problem.

By leveraging human-centered design and behavioral insights, SAFEHELP is poised to create a transformative impact on the lives of sex-trafficking survivors in Sub-Saharan Africa through our unique strategic approach which links our activities to immediate outputs and long-term outcomes.


1. Personalized Support Services: SAFEHELP will deploy advanced AI algorithms to provide survivors with personalized resources such as legal aid, healthcare support, and psychological counseling tailored to their unique needs.

2. Access to Information and Tools: Leveraging technology, SAFEHELP offers survivors essential information and tools, including educational materials on rights and safety measures, virtual therapy sessions, emergency assistance features, and community support forums.

3. Building Community and Support Networks: Virtual support groups and survivor forums will be established within SAFEHELP to foster a sense of community among survivors.

Theory of Change:

1. Immediate Outputs:

Personalized Support: By providing tailored resources and services, SAFEHELP addresses critical gaps in current support systems, ensuring survivors receive comprehensive care immediately after exploitation.

Access to Tools: Immediate access to AI-guided therapy, emergency assistance, and educational materials equips survivors with essential tools to manage trauma, navigate legal processes, and enhance safety.

  Community Building: Virtual support groups and survivor forums create immediate networks of support, reducing isolation and providing emotional stability.

2. Short-Term Outcomes:

  Increased Safety: Access to emergency features and secure communication channels enhances survivors safety and reduces risks of re-exploitation.
 Improved Well-being: AI-driven mental health support and Telehealth services contribute to improved physical and psychological well-being, aiding in trauma recovery and promoting resilience.
 Empowerment: Financial empowerment initiatives like job training and microfinancing options empower survivors economically, reducing dependence and enhancing self-sufficiency. Legal assistance supports survivors in seeking justice, promoting accountability and closure.

3. Long-Term Outcomes:

Reintegration and Recovery: By addressing immediate needs and creating holistic recovery, SAFEHELP supports survivors in reintegrating into society with dignity, enhancing long-term resilience and well-being.

Reduced Vulnerability: Empowered survivors are less vulnerable to trafficking due to improved economic stability, strengthened social networks, and enhanced awareness of rights and safety measures.

Systemic Impact:Collaborations with NGOs, government agencies, and tech experts build a robust ecosystem of support. Continuous feedback and improvement ensure SAFEHELP evolves to meet evolving survivor needs, contributing to broader systemic changes in combating trafficking.

Why We Expect Impact:

SAFEHELP's approach is grounded in leveraging advanced technology to address the specific needs of sex trafficking survivors comprehensively. By providing personalized support services, the app directly tackles the immediate challenges survivors face post-trafficking, such as access to legal aid, healthcare, and psychological counseling. These tailored interventions are important in filling existing gaps in services that are often inaccessible or insufficient in Sub-Saharan Africa.

SAFEHELP's emphasis on community building and peer support aims to reduce the isolation experienced by survivors, promoting emotional stability and fostering resilience. In the long term, SAFEHELP will empower survivors economically and socially, thereby reducing their vulnerability to future exploitation. By enhancing awareness of rights, safety measures, and available resources, the app equips survivors with the knowledge and tools to navigate towards independence and sustainable recovery.

What are your impact goals for your solution and how are you measuring your progress towards them?

SAFEHELP's impact goals aim to create significant, measurable change in the lives of sex trafficking survivors in Sub-Saharan Africa. We focus on empowering survivors through immediate support, education, and long-term rehabilitation, and have established clear metrics to track progress.

1. Immediate Support:
Goal: Provide emergency assistance to 10,000 survivors within the next three years.
Measurement: Track emergency requests, response times, resolution rates, and user satisfaction.

2. Education and Awareness:
Goal: Educate 10,000 individuals about sex trafficking and available support services by year three.
Measurement: Measure reach and engagement through website visits, social media interactions, and attendance at educational awareness campaigns . Use pre- and post-engagement surveys to assess changes in knowledge and awareness.

3. Mental Health and Well-being:
Goal: Improve the mental health of 5,000 survivors through trauma-informed care and support groups over three years.
Measurement: Track participation in mental health programs and evaluate impact through surveys and feedback.

4. Legal and Economic Empowerment:
Goal: Facilitate legal aid and economic empowerment for 2,500 survivors within three years.
Measurement: Track participation in legal aid and vocational training programs. Assess success through follow-up surveys on legal outcomes and economic stability.

5. Community Engagement:
Goal: Build a supportive community of 20,000 individuals, including survivors and advocates, by year three.
Measurement: Track registered users, social media followers, and participation in campaigns and events. Monitor interactions and collaborations within the community.

6. Scalability and Expansion:
Goal: Expand SAFEHELP to three additional Sub-Saharan countries (Ghana, Kenya and Rwanda) within five years.
Measurement: Track new operational countries, local partnerships, and growth in user base and services.

7. AI-powered Application Development:
Goal: Develop and deploy an AI-powered application to enhance support with personalized recommendations by 2024.
Measurement: Monitor development milestones, beta testing results, and user adoption rates. Use feedback and performance analytics to refine the application.

Monitoring and Evaluation:
SAFEHELP uses a comprehensive framework for monitoring and evaluation, including regular data collection, analysis, and reporting. Key performance indicators are reviewed quarterly, and annual impact assessments evaluate the broader effects on target communities.

SAFEHELP is committed to achieving these impact goals through innovative solutions, strategic partnerships, and community engagement. Our rigorous measurement and evaluation processes ensure we make data-driven decisions and continuously improve our services, maximizing our positive impact on the lives of sex trafficking survivors in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

The core technology powering the SafeHelp mobile app is a robust integration of AI, data analytics, and mobile technology. This combination enables the app to leverage advanced AI Algorithms, delivering personalized, accurate, and timely legal, financial and trauma-informed psychosocial support to survivors of sex trafficking, addressing their unique needs and helping them on their path to recovery and re-integration.

Our AI-driven recommendation engine utilizes machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret complex data about each survivor's situation, then, through a thorough needs assessment conducted on the platform, the AI system gathers data on various factors such as the survivor's personal history, geographical location, specific challenges, and unique legal, financial, and psychosocial needs.

Our models are trained on vast datasets to recognize patterns and make accurate predictions on survivors specific needs per time, in order of priority. Our models continuously learn and improve from new data, ensuring that the recommendations become increasingly precise over time. We engage supervised learning techniques, where they are trained on labeled data, and unsupervised learning techniques, where they identify hidden patterns and insights from unlabeled data.

We are currently looking to integrate Natural language processing, enabling the app to understand and interpret our user inputs in 5 different African languages. This is crucial for accurately assessing the needs of survivors who do not understand English, but may understand other indigenous African languages, which they may use to describe their experiences and requirements in various. NLP algorithms parse and analyze this input to extract relevant information that feeds into the recommendation engine.

Also, SAFEHELP employs advanced data analytics techniques to process and analyze large volumes of data collected from our users, this plays a crucial role in transforming raw data from survivors into actionable insights which are then adopted by policymakers, civil society organizations, Non-Governmental organizations and Government.

Furthermore, we leverage predictive analysis, using statistical algorithms and machine learning models to predict the best pro bono legal resources, financial support services in form of micro loans and business enterprise for each survivor. These predictions are based on historical data and patterns identified in the data.

As a mobile application, SAFEHELP leverages the widespread use of smartphones, which is further facilitated by our increased digital penetration, reaching survivors where they are, both in rural and urban communities . Key aspects of the mobile technology include:

1. User-Friendly Interface: Our solution features an intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, making it accessible to users with varying levels of technological proficiency. The design prioritizes usability, ensuring that survivors can easily input their information and access recommended resources.

2. Real-Time Updates: SafeHelp app provides real-time updates and notifications, keeping survivors informed about new resources, legal updates, and other relevant information. This ensures that users have the most current information at their fingertips.

3. Geolocation Services: By integrating geolocation technology, SAFEHELP can provide location-specific recommendations. This is particularly important for connecting survivors with local resources such as shelters, legal aid, contact persons from partner civil society organizations and counseling services.

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new application of an existing technology

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Behavioral Technology
  • Software and Mobile Applications

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Nigeria

Which, if any, additional countries will you be operating in within the next year?

  • South Africa
Your Team

How many people work on your solution team?

Our SAFEHELP solution team consists of 10 dedicated individuals. We have 4 full-time staff members, including the Program Manager, Health Tech Expert, Technical Lead, and UI/UX Designer. Additionally, we have 3 part-time staff, including a lawyer and operational assistants. To support our technical and design needs, we employ 3 contractors specializing in software engineering, UI/UX design, and other critical areas. This diverse team ensures that SAFEHELP is robust, innovative, and closely aligned with the needs of the communities we serve. Our collective experience and dedication drive our mission to support survivors of sex trafficking.

How long have you been working on your solution?

Through The Medaccess Africa (TMI), our Non-profit organization, we have been working on the SAFEHELP solution for 3 years. This journey began with thorough research and community engagement to understand the needs of sex trafficking survivors in Edo State, Nigeria. Over these years, our team has dedicated significant effort to developing, testing, and refining SAFEHELP. Our collective experience and deep-rooted commitment have enabled us to create a robust, innovative platform that addresses the urgent needs of vulnerable women and girls. This ongoing work continues to be guided by continuous feedback and collaboration with the communities we serve.

Tell us about how you ensure that your team is diverse, minimizes barriers to opportunity for staff, and provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for all team members.

Diversity and inclusion are foundational principles deeply embedded in our organization's values. We firmly believe that a diverse team not only enhances our ability to innovate but also ensures that we effectively meet the complex needs of our community. Our dedication to nurturing an inclusive environment begins with our leadership team, which reflects a rich diversity of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. This diversity in leadership enriches our decision-making processes, ensuring that we consider a wide range of viewpoints in shaping our strategies and initiatives.

In our endeavor to promote inclusivity, we prioritize equitable opportunities and strive to minimize barriers to advancement for all team members. Our recruitment practices are intentionally designed to attract a diverse pool of candidates. We collaborate with organizations supporting underrepresented groups and utilize inclusive job boards to expand our reach. During the hiring process, diverse interview panels help mitigate unconscious bias, ensuring that we select candidates based on merit and potential contribution.

Continuous learning and development are fundamental to our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. We invest in ongoing training programs that focus on cultural competency, unconscious bias awareness, and inclusive leadership skills. These initiatives empower our team to engage respectfully and effectively with colleagues from diverse backgrounds, fostering a culture of mutual respect and understanding.

Creating a supportive work environment is essential to our mission. We prioritize open communication, collaboration, and recognition of each team member's unique contributions. Employee resource groups provide a platform for individuals to connect, share experiences, and advocate for inclusive practices within our organization. This community-driven approach not only strengthens our internal unity but also enriches our external partnerships with diverse communities.

Flexibility in work arrangements is another way we uphold our dedication to inclusion. By offering remote work options, flexible hours, and part-time roles, we accommodate diverse needs and enable team members to achieve work-life balance. This flexibility is particularly beneficial for those balancing caregiving responsibilities or pursuing educational opportunities while working.

Equitable opportunities for career advancement are integral to our organizational values. We establish transparent promotion criteria, conduct regular performance reviews, and provide tailored professional development opportunities. These efforts ensure that all team members, regardless of background or identity, have equal access to pathways for growth and leadership within our organization.

Accountability and transparency are foundational to our diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. We actively seek feedback from team members through anonymous surveys, focus groups, and open dialogue sessions. This feedback informs our strategies for improvement and holds us accountable for creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels valued and empowered.

Our dedication to diversity, equity, and inclusion extends beyond internal practices to our external engagements and community partnerships. By collaborating with organizations that share our values and advocating for inclusive policies and practices, we contribute to broader social change and uphold our responsibility to create a more just and equitable world.

Your Business Model & Funding

What is your business model?

SAFEHELP operates on a hybrid business model, effectively combining social impact with financial sustainability. Our primary mission is to provide crucial resources and support to survivors of sex trafficking, mostly women and girls, within the ages of 16 to 35, in Nigeria, helping them reintegrate into society and achieve economic independence.

Our key beneficiaries are survivors of sex trafficking who often face multifaceted challenges such as trauma, social stigma, lack of education, and limited economic opportunities. Additionally, our key customers include non-governmental organizations (NGOs), governmental agencies, and private sector companies committed to corporate social responsibility (CSR).

We provide survivors with essential business and vocational training, equipping them with skills needed to secure employment or start their own businesses. This includes training in areas such as tailoring, hairdressing, catering, digital skills, amongst others.
After intensive trainings which can be accessed onsite or offline, survivors become eligible to receive microloans/ grants enabling them launch their businesses. This funding enables them to start small businesses, promoting financial independence while ensuring program sustainability.
We offer free counseling and support groups to help survivors overcome trauma and build resilience.

Our services are primarily delivered through our AI-powered mobile application, which ensures accessibility and convenience for survivors, others who may not have access to digital tools and mobile phones, have the opportunity to access these resources onsite, either through our hub or through our local partners, NGOs and civil society organizations in various states.

Sex trafficking Survivors need SAFEHELP because it provides a holistic and personalized approach to rehabilitation and empowerment. The ability to access a wide range of resources in one platform, tailored specifically to their needs, significantly enhances their chances of successful reintegration, heal from trauma, access peer-to-peer support and achieve economic independence. The low-interest microloans and business training give survivors a viable path to self-sufficiency, reducing their risk of re-trafficking and other vulnerabilities.

Our business model ensures financial sustainability through multiple revenue streams, including 2.5% interest rate on microloans providing a steady income stream that supports ongoing program costs and loan availability. We actively seek partnerships with private and public organizations. These partners often contribute through their CSR initiatives, providing funding, resources, or expertise to support our programs. Additionally, grants from international bodies and foundations dedicated to combatting trafficking and supporting survivors form a significant part of our funding.

Subscription Model for NGOs: NGOs and other organizations can subscribe to our platform to gain access to data insights, resources, and support services that enhance their operations and impact.
We also leverage digital platforms for fundraising, through crowdfunding, appealing to a global audience passionate about human rights and social justice.

SAFEHELP’s hybrid business model not only addresses the immediate and long-term needs of sex trafficking survivors but also ensures the financial viability and scalability of our programs. By combining personalized resource delivery with sustainable financial practices and strategic partnerships, we create a robust ecosystem of support that empowers survivors to rebuild their lives and thrive.

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?

Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)

What is your plan for becoming financially sustainable, and what evidence can you provide that this plan has been successful so far?

Our plan for achieving financial sustainability revolves around a multi-faceted approach that leverages diverse funding streams and strategic partnerships:

1. Diversified Funding Sources:
Grant Funding and bootstrapping : Secure grants from international organizations, foundations, and government agencies focused on human rights, health, and social welfare as well as bootstrapping. 

Corporate Sponsorships: Forge partnerships with corporations aligned with our mission, offering sponsorship opportunities for events, campaigns, and initiatives.

Individual Donations: Implement fundraising campaigns targeting individuals passionate about supporting survivors of sex trafficking.

2. Strategic Partnerships:
  NGO and Government Partnerships: Collaborate with local and international NGOs and government agencies to access funding, share resources, and amplify impact.
Corporate Partnerships: Develop partnerships with companies interested in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives or seeking to enhance their brand through social impact projects.

3. Revenue Generation Initiatives:

 Social Enterprise Ventures: Explore opportunities to establish social enterprises that generate revenue while supporting our mission, such as producing and selling artisanal products made by survivors.
Subscription Model: Offer a subscription-based model for access to premium features or resources, with discounted or free access for survivors.

Advertising and Sponsorships: Display relevant, non-intrusive ads or sponsored content from organizations supporting anti-sex trafficking efforts.

4. Evidence of Success:
Establishment of Key Partnerships:  We have Formed strategic partnerships with 20 local NGOs and academic institutions to collaborate on initiatives benefiting sex trafficking survivors. Through our flagship organization, Team Medacess, a nonprofit organization advocating for the sexual reproductive health of women and girls, we have successfully implemented over 10 joint projects and programs reaching over 5,000 women and girls anhave received positive feedback and engagement from stakeholders.

2. Community Engagement and Support:
 Impactful Community Outreach: Conducted awareness campaigns and educational workshops that have reached and positively impacted a significant number of individuals in local communities. We have Received positive feedback and testimonials from beneficiaries and community members regarding the effectiveness and relevance of SAFEHELP's initiatives.

3. Fundraising and Resource Mobilization: 

 Successful Fundraising Initiatives: Organized fundraising events and campaigns that have raised substantial funds from individual donors and supporters. We have secured initial commitments and partnerships with local businesses and corporations interested in supporting SAFEHELP's mission.

4. Operational Milestones:
Program Implementation: Launched and managed operational programs that have provided direct support and services to sex trafficking survivors, demonstrating operational effectiveness. Established metrics to measure the impact of programs and initiatives, showing positive outcomes in terms of survivor support and community integration.

5. Strategic Planning and Future Sustainability:

Long-Term Vision: Developed a strategic plan outlining goals for scaling operations, expanding impact, and diversifying revenue streams over the next phases of growth. We have  Invested in capacity building for staff and volunteers to enhance organizational capabilities in program delivery, fundraising, and governance.

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