Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

Our Organization

Survivors Resource Network(SRN)

What is the name of your solution?

Survivors Resource Network

Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

Providing the fittest connections for your survival

In what city, town, or region is your solution team headquartered?

Accra, Ghana

In what country is your solution team headquartered?

  • Ghana

What type of organization is your solution team?

Not registered as any organization

Film your elevator pitch.

What specific problem are you solving?

 The Survivor's Resource Network (SRN) is committed to tackling the immense challenges faced by refugees and displaced persons. These individuals, often forced to leave their homes due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters, encounter severe hardships. They lack basic necessities, mental health support, educational opportunities, and pathways to economic stability and social integration.

 Locally, Ghana hosts several thousand refugees, primarily from neighboring countries like Côte d'Ivoire and Togo, who face significant barriers to accessing essential services and integrating into society.

Modern slaves often struggle to secure food, clean water, and shelter, leading to malnutrition and health issues. Overcrowded camps and inadequate urban accommodations exacerbate these problems. The trauma and stress of displacement heavily impact their mental health, yet mental health services are often scarce or non-existent.

Education is another major challenge. Many refugee children and young adults miss out on schooling due to displacement, hindering their long-term prospects. Refugees with literacy challenges or disabilities face additional barriers in accessing educational resources. Economic stability remains elusive, as legal and societal obstacles prevent refugees from finding stable employment. Discrimination and social exclusion further hinder their ability to integrate into new communities.

To address these complex and interconnected issues, SRN provides a comprehensive, human-centered support system. Our solution includes:

  1. Basic Needs: Our AI-powered SecondAid Policy ensures refugees receive timely access to food, water, shelter, and healthcare.
  2. Mental Health: The Mentara Policy offers comprehensive mental health support, helping individuals cope with trauma and build resilience. By prioritizing mental health, we foster a sense of empowerment and hope.
  3. Education: Through Open-Able, we provide accessible educational resources tailored to those with literacy challenges and disabilities. This initiative ensures inclusive learning opportunities, helping refugees build a brighter future.
  4. Economic Empowerment: By leveraging technology and community networks, we assist refugees in finding employment and building economic stability. This support helps them achieve independence and self-sufficiency.
  5. Social Integration: LumenLink creates a supportive virtual community, promoting social inclusion and continuous support. This platform fosters connections and builds a sense of belonging.

These initiatives are co-created with input from the communities we serve, ensuring that our solutions are tailored to their needs and preferences. Our approach is designed to be scalable, allowing us to reach a larger population without compromising on quality. By integrating technology with human empathy, we optimize resource allocation and provide effective, timely support.

The impact of our work extends beyond immediate relief. By addressing basic needs, mental health, education, economic empowerment, and social integration, we help refugees rebuild their lives and regain their dignity. Our comprehensive support system transforms their experiences from mere survival to meaningful, hopeful futures.

At SRN, we are not just solving a problem; we are creating lasting change. Through our dedicated efforts, we aim to turn moments of hope into tangible, sustainable futures for refugees and displaced persons worldwide.

What is your solution?

At the Survivor's Resource Network (SRN), we provide comprehensive support to refugees and displaced persons using innovative technology and compassionate care. Here’s how it works:

1. Basic Needs: SecondAid Policy Our AI chatbot, deployed on ChatGPT, interacts with refugees to quickly assess their needs and connect them with essential resources like food, water, shelter, and healthcare. This ensures timely and efficient support.

2. Mental Health: Mentara Policy We offer personalized mental health support, including counseling and psychological care, helping individuals cope with trauma and rebuild their lives.

3. Education: Open-Able AI Through our open-source AI tool on GitHub AbleAI, we provide accessible educational resources for disabled and illiterate individuals. This ensures inclusive learning opportunities.

4. Economic Empowerment We help refugees find employment and build economic stability, aiding their path to independence.

5. Social Integration: LumenLink Using Slack, LumenLink creates a digital support network where refugees can connect with psychologists, counselors, teachers, and peers, fostering a sense of belonging and continuous support.

How It Works:

  • Refugees access our services through our website SRN or community outreach programs.
  • The AI chatbot engages with users to understand their needs and connects them with appropriate resources.
  • Through LumenLink, users receive ongoing support from mental health professionals, educators, and community members.
  • Open-Able AI provides tailored learning materials, making education accessible to those with literacy challenges and disabilities.

Our approach combines advanced technology with human empathy, ensuring that refugees receive holistic support to rebuild their lives.

How are you ensuring ethical and responsible use of technology in your work, especially if you’re utilizing AI? How are you addressing or mitigating potential risks in your solution?

At the Survivor's Resource Network (SRN), we prioritize the ethical and responsible use of technology, especially AI. Here’s how we address and mitigate potential risks:

Privacy and Security:

We use advanced encryption to protect data and store it on secure servers. Regular security audits and mandatory two-factor authentication (2FA) help safeguard against unauthorized access. We also have a detailed incident response plan to manage any data breaches swiftly.

Bias and Ethical Risks:

We ensure our AI systems are trained on diverse datasets and conduct regular bias audits. An ethics committee reviews our practices, ensuring fair and just AI use.

Community Trust:

We provide clear privacy policies and obtain explicit user consent for data collection. Continuous feedback mechanisms and community engagement activities help us remain culturally sensitive and responsive to the needs of the people we serve.

Real-world Example from Piloting:

During our pilot program with Open-Able AI at a blind school in Accra, we encountered privacy concerns. We mitigated these by obtaining explicit consent from participants and ensuring strict data protection measures. We also addressed technical accessibility by integrating voice commands and Braille interfaces, refining our approach based on user feedback.

By proactively addressing these risks, SRN ensures that our technology is used responsibly and ethically, building trust and providing effective support to refugees and displaced persons.

Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

The Survivor's Resource Network  aims to directly and meaningfully improve the lives of refugees, victims of child trafficking, child labor, and  forms of modern slavery. These individuals are among the most vulnerable populations worldwide, facing significant hardships often lacking access to basic necessities, mental health support, education, and economic opportunities.


Refugees are forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters. They often find themselves in overcrowded camps or urban areas with limited access to essential resources like food, clean water, shelter, and healthcare. Mental health challenges are prevalent due to the trauma and stress of displacement. Additionally, refugees face significant barriers to education and stable employment, hindering their ability to rebuild their lives.

Child Trafficking / Child Labor:

Children who are trafficked or forced into labor endure exploitation and abuse, depriving them of their basic rights. They often lack access to education, healthcare, and a safe environment. The psychological impact of such experiences is profound, and the absence of a support system exacerbates their plight.

Victims of Modern Slavery:

Individuals trapped in modern slavery, including forced labor and servitude, face severe exploitation and abuse. These victims are often hidden from society, making it difficult for them to access help. Comprehensive support is needed to help them escape their conditions and rebuild their lives.

How Our Solution Addresses Their Needs

1. Basic Needs:

SecondAid Policy: Our AI chatbot, deployed on ChatGPT, interacts with individuals to quickly assess their needs and connect them with essential resources like food, water, shelter, and healthcare. This ensures timely and efficient support, making it easier for them to get help when they need it.

2. Mental Health:

Mentara Policy: We provide personalized mental health support, including counseling and psychological care, helping individuals cope with trauma and rebuild their lives with resilience. This support is crucial for fostering a sense of empowerment and hope.

3. Education:

Open-Able AI: Through our open-source AI tool on GitHub AbleAI, we offer accessible educational resources tailored for disabled and illiterate individuals. This ensures inclusive learning opportunities, helping them build a brighter future.

4. Economic Empowerment:

We assist refugees and victims of modern slavery in finding employment and achieving economic stability, aiding their path to independence and self-sufficiency. By leveraging technology and community networks, we help them secure jobs and build sustainable livelihoods.

5. Social Integration:

LumenLink: Using Slack, LumenLink creates a digital support network where individuals can connect with psychologists, counselors, teachers, and peers. This platform fosters a sense of belonging and provides continuous guidance and support, helping them integrate into society and rebuild their lives.


The Survivor's Resource Network (SRN) addresses the multifaceted needs of refugees, victims of child trafficking, child labor, and modern slavery. By providing holistic support through innovative technology and compassionate care, we aim to transform their lives, offering a path to recovery, empowerment, and integration into society. Our solutions ensure that these vulnerable populations receive the care and opportunities they need to rebuild their futures with dignity and hope.

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

The Survivor's Resource Network (SRN) is led by individuals deeply connected to the communities we serve. Here’s why we are uniquely positioned to design and deliver effective solutions:

Proximity to the Communities:

Our team leader, Joseph Awuah, is a 17-year-old innovator from Ghana. He has first-hand experience working with vulnerable populations, including refugees and victims of child trafficking, child labor, and modern slavery. His commitment to social impact is demonstrated through his roles with various organizations, including the World Economic Forum and Encode Justice Ghana.

Community Representation:

Joseph’s background and active involvement in local initiatives ensure that our team understands the unique challenges faced by these communities. His work with Encode Justice focuses on ethical AI practices and advocating for human rights, demonstrating his commitment to using technology responsibly to help underserved populations.

Guided by Community Input:

Our approach is community-driven. We regularly engage with the people we serve through forums, surveys, and workshops to gather their input and tailor our solutions to their needs. This ensures that our services are relevant and effective.

Relevant Experience:

Joseph’s experience with organizations like the World Economic Forum, where he contributes to global initiatives, and his role in overhauling Fidutam’s policies in Ghana, focusing on inclusive financial literacy and digital literacy, highlight his ability to lead impactful projects. His involvement in mentoring and guiding students through the Building U program also shows his commitment to empowering the next generation.

Collaborative and Inclusive:

Our team collaborates with local and international stakeholders to develop and implement strategies that bridge the digital divide and provide essential skills to underserved populations. We mobilize volunteers and fellows to emphasize community engagement and capacity building, ensuring that our initiatives are sustainable and impactful.

Community-Driven Solutions:

Joseph’s leadership in organizing workshops, events, and campaigns to raise awareness about AI ethics and human rights further underscores our commitment to ethical practices. By building partnerships with educational institutions, non-profits, and tech companies, we amplify our impact and foster a collaborative network dedicated to improving lives.


Our team’s proximity to the communities we serve, combined with our dedication to ethical and responsible use of technology, positions us uniquely to deliver effective and sustainable solutions. We are not only equipped with the necessary skills and experience but are also deeply committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of refugees and victims of exploitation. Through continuous community engagement and collaboration, we ensure that our solutions are guided by the very people they aim to help, creating a lasting and positive impact.

For more about Joseph, you can visit his LinkedIn profile here.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Strengthening the ecosystem of providers by enhancing efficiencies in communication, data collection and sharing, and coordination

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 1. No Poverty
  • 9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • 10. Reduced Inequalities
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

What is your solution’s stage of development?


Please share details about why you selected the stage above.

1. Able AI:

  • Google I/O Extended Kumasi: Our Able AI tool was successfully pitched at the recent Google I/O Extended event in Kumasi. This event invited a wide range of Google developers in Ghana, showcasing our solution and receiving valuable feedback from industry experts.
  • Pilot Test at Blind School: We conducted a pilot program at a blind school in the Eastern Region of Ghana. The AI tool was integrated with voice commands and Braille interfaces, ensuring accessibility for visually impaired students. The feedback from this pilot has been instrumental in refining our tool.

2. Webpage and Slack Channel:

  • Ready Webpage: Our website is live, serving as a comprehensive resource hub for refugees and displaced persons. It provides information on our services, connects users with our AI chatbot, and offers access to educational resources through Able AI.
  • Slack Channel: We have established a Slack channel, LumenLink, which connects refugees with psychologists, counselors, teachers, and other support personnel. This digital network provides continuous support and fosters a sense of community among users.

3. Volunteer Network:

  • Active Volunteers: We have mobilized a dedicated team of volunteers who are actively involved in delivering our services. These volunteers include mental health professionals, educators, developers, and community leaders, all working together to support our mission.

4. Partnerships and Expansion:

  • Collaborations: We are working in partnership with local and international stakeholders to develop and implement strategies aimed at bridging the digital divide and providing essential skills to underserved populations.
  • Expansion Plans: We are planning to extend our services to other African countries, leveraging our existing network and partnerships to reach a broader audience and have a greater impact.

Impact So Far:

  • Beneficiaries: To date, we have directly served over 30 victims and displaced persons through our various programs and initiatives.
  • Positive Outcomes: Our interventions have resulted in improved mental health outcomes, enhanced educational opportunities, and stronger community support networks for our beneficiaries.

Why are you applying to the Challenge?

Financial Barriers:

As a team of passionate, driven teenagers operating in Africa, we face significant financial constraints. Limited funding restricts our ability to scale our solutions and reach a broader audience. The Challenge can provide grant funding to expand our AI infrastructure, increase staff, and enhance outreach programs. Financial mentorship from the Challenge can help us develop sustainable funding strategies, ensuring long-term impact.

Technical Barriers:

Developing advanced AI capabilities requires specialized expertise and resources. We need to ensure seamless integration of our AI systems with existing platforms. The Challenge offers access to a network of experts who can provide technical guidance and mentorship. Access to advanced technological tools can help us improve our AI systems, making them more robust and user-friendly.

Legal Barriers:

Navigating data protection and privacy regulations across different countries is complex. Limited access to legal expertise makes compliance challenging. The Challenge can provide access to legal experts to help us navigate these complexities and ensure our solutions comply with relevant laws. Training on legal best practices will equip our team with the knowledge needed to handle legal challenges effectively.

Cultural Barriers:

Developing culturally sensitive solutions requires deep understanding and continuous engagement with the communities we serve. Building trust, particularly when introducing new technologies, is challenging. The Challenge can offer cultural competency training to help our team address cultural nuances. Mentorship on effective community engagement strategies can help us build trust and ensure our solutions are well-received and utilized by the target population.

Market Barriers:

Reaching a larger segment of the refugee population requires overcoming market penetration barriers, including awareness and accessibility. Establishing partnerships with other organizations and stakeholders is crucial but challenging. The Challenge provides networking opportunities to connect with potential partners, donors, and stakeholders, facilitating collaboration and expanding our reach. Access to market insights and data can help us develop strategies to effectively penetrate new markets.

Youth Potential in Africa:

As young innovators from Africa, we understand the unique challenges and untapped potential of the youth in our region. Our drive and commitment are often overshadowed by systemic barriers. The Challenge’s recognition and support can amplify our impact, showcasing the potential of African youth to develop innovative solutions and drive meaningful change. By providing us with the resources and mentorship needed, the Challenge can help us overcome these barriers and demonstrate the transformative power of youth-led initiatives.

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Business Model (e.g. product-market fit, strategy & development)
  • Financial (e.g. accounting practices, pitching to investors)
  • Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development)
  • Legal or Regulatory Matters
  • Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
  • Product / Service Distribution (e.g. delivery, logistics, expanding client base)
  • Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
  • Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design)

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Joseph Awuah Baffour

More About Your Solution

What makes your solution innovative?

Holistic Support:

AI-Powered Assistance: Our SecondAid Policy uses an AI chatbot on ChatGPT to provide immediate, personalized support for basic needs like food, water, shelter, and healthcare. This ensures timely and efficient help, bridging the gap between resources and those in need.

Mental Health Care: The Mentara Policy offers comprehensive mental health support, including counseling and psychological care. By prioritizing mental health, we foster resilience and hope, addressing the often-overlooked emotional needs of our beneficiaries.

Inclusive Education: Through our open-source AI tool, AbleAI, we provide accessible educational resources tailored for disabled and illiterate individuals. This ensures inclusive learning opportunities, helping them build a brighter future.

Economic Empowerment: We assist refugees and victims of modern slavery in finding employment and achieving economic stability. This support aids their path to independence and self-sufficiency, leveraging technology and community networks to secure jobs and build sustainable livelihoods.

Social Integration: LumenLink, our Slack-based digital support network, connects individuals with psychologists, counselors, teachers, and peers, fostering a sense of belonging and continuous support. This platform helps users integrate into society and rebuild their lives.

Catalyzing Broader Positive Impacts:

Model for Other Organizations: Our approach can serve as a model, demonstrating the effectiveness of combining AI with human support and prioritizing mental health. The success of our programs can inspire similar initiatives globally, encouraging more organizations to adopt holistic, community-driven methods.

Influencing Policy: By showcasing the importance of mental health and holistic support, we can influence policymakers to prioritize these aspects in refugee aid programs. Our transparent methodologies and open-source tools can drive technological advancements and improved service delivery in the humanitarian sector.

Changing the Market/Landscape:

Innovation Catalyst: Our solution demonstrates the transformative power of AI in addressing complex humanitarian issues. By optimizing resource allocation and providing timely support, we set new standards for efficiency and impact in refugee aid.

Youth-Led Initiative: As a youth-led initiative, our success highlights the potential of young innovators in driving meaningful change. This can inspire more youth involvement in social impact projects, fostering a new generation of leaders dedicated to solving global issues.

Scalability and Adaptability: Our approach is designed to be scalable, allowing us to expand our reach without compromising on quality. The flexibility of our AI tools ensures they can be adapted to different contexts and needs, making our solution applicable to a wide range of humanitarian challenges.

Describe in simple terms how and why you expect your solution to have an impact on the problem.


  1. AI-Powered Assistance:

    • Deploying an AI chatbot on ChatGPT to offer immediate support and connect users with essential resources like food, water, shelter, and healthcare.
  2. Mental Health Support:

    • Providing counseling and psychological care, along with organizing workshops and support groups.
  3. Inclusive Education:

    • Offering educational resources through the AbleAI tool, tailored for disabled and illiterate individuals.
  4. Economic Empowerment:

    • Assisting with job searches, providing vocational training, and job placement services.
  5. Social Integration:

    • Creating a digital support network via Slack to connect users with psychologists, counselors, teachers, and peers.

Immediate Outputs:

  1. AI-Powered Assistance:

    • Quick, efficient access to essential services, ensuring timely resource allocation.
  2. Mental Health Support:

    • Improved mental health and well-being, with increased awareness and utilization of mental health services.
  3. Inclusive Education:

    • Enhanced access to education for disabled and illiterate individuals, leading to better literacy and educational outcomes.
  4. Economic Empowerment:

    • Higher employment rates among refugees and displaced persons, with improved vocational skills and job readiness.
  5. Social Integration:

    • Stronger support networks and improved social inclusion.

Longer-Term Outcomes:

  1. Enhanced Quality of Life:

    • Better health, well-being, and sustainable access to essential services.
  2. Economic Stability:

    • Long-term employment, financial independence, and reduced dependency on aid.
  3. Educational Advancement:

    • Higher educational attainment and increased opportunities for growth.
  4. Resilient Communities:

    • Stronger, cohesive communities with enhanced capacity for collective support.

Evidence Supporting the Links:

  1. AI and Resource Allocation:

    • Research shows AI optimizes resource distribution, improving service delivery (Harvard Business Review, 2021).
  2. Mental Health Interventions:

    • Studies indicate counseling and psychological support significantly improve mental health outcomes (WHO, 2020).
  3. Educational Technology:

    • Data shows tailored digital resources enhance learning outcomes for marginalized groups (UNESCO, 2019).
  4. Economic Empowerment Programs:

    • Vocational training programs increase employment and economic stability (ILO, 2021).
  5. Digital Support Networks:

    • Community-based support networks improve social integration and mental health (APA, 2020).

Global Impact:

Our scalable and adaptable solution allows us to establish SRN chapters globally, transforming refugee support worldwide. By leveraging technology and community-driven approaches, we foster resilient and empowered communities, ensuring meaningful and sustainable outcomes.

What are your impact goals for your solution and how are you measuring your progress towards them?

Our impact goals for the Survivor's Resource Network (SRN) focus on creating transformative changes in the lives of refugees, victims of child trafficking, child labor, and modern slavery. These goals guide all aspects of our work, ensuring we provide comprehensive, sustainable support. Here’s a detailed overview:

Impact Goals:

  1. Enhance Quality of Life:

    • Provide immediate and sustained access to basic needs such as food, clean water, shelter, and healthcare.
  2. Improve Mental Health:

    • Offer comprehensive mental health support to foster resilience and emotional well-being.
  3. Increase Educational Access:

    • Ensure inclusive education for disabled and illiterate individuals, enhancing literacy and learning outcomes.
  4. Promote Economic Stability:

    • Empower beneficiaries to achieve financial independence through employment and vocational training.
  5. Foster Social Integration:

    • Create strong support networks to enhance social inclusion and community engagement.

Measuring Progress:

We use specific indicators to track our progress toward these goals. These indicators are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and are critical for evaluating our impact.


  1. Enhance Quality of Life:

    • Number of Individuals Served: Count of refugees and displaced persons receiving food, water, shelter, and healthcare.
    • Service Delivery Time: Average time taken to provide essential services after a request is made.
  2. Improve Mental Health:

    • Counseling Sessions Conducted: Number of individual and group counseling sessions provided.
    • Mental Health Improvement Scores: Pre- and post-counseling assessments to measure improvement in mental health.
  3. Increase Educational Access:

    • Educational Resources Distributed: Number of educational materials and resources provided through AbleAI.
    • Literacy Improvement Rates: Literacy assessments conducted before and after using AbleAI resources.
  4. Promote Economic Stability:

    • Job Placements: Number of individuals successfully placed in jobs.
    • Vocational Training Participation: Number of participants in vocational training programs.
    • Income Levels: Changes in income levels of beneficiaries post-employment.
  5. Foster Social Integration:

    • Network Engagement: Number of active users on the LumenLink Slack channel.
    • Support Sessions: Frequency of interactions between users and support personnel.
    • Community Events: Number and participation rates in community events organized.

Evidence and Monitoring:

Data Collection: We collect data through surveys, interviews, and platform analytics. This data helps us understand the effectiveness of our interventions and identify areas for improvement.

Regular Assessments: Quarterly assessments help us measure progress against our indicators. We use both qualitative and quantitative methods to gain a comprehensive understanding of our impact.

Third-Party Evaluations: Collaborating with independent evaluators ensures unbiased assessment of our programs. These evaluations provide insights into the strengths and areas for improvement in our approach.

Beneficiary Feedback: Regular feedback from our beneficiaries ensures that our solutions remain relevant and effective. Their input guides the continuous refinement of our programs.

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

1. AI-Powered Assistance (SecondAid Policy):

  • Technology: ChatGPT AI chatbot.
  • Function: Provides immediate, personalized support by connecting users with resources like food, water, shelter, and healthcare. Ensures efficient service delivery through natural language processing.

2. Mental Health Support (Mentara Policy):

  • Technology: Telehealth platforms with AI-driven assessments.
  • Function: Offers virtual counseling and personalized mental health care plans. AI helps tailor interventions based on user-specific needs.

3. Inclusive Education (Open-Able AI):

  • Technology: Open-source AI tool on GitHub.
  • Function: Provides adaptive educational resources for disabled and illiterate individuals. Uses machine learning to customize learning experiences.

4. Social Integration (LumenLink):

  • Technology: Slack-based digital network.
  • Function: Connects users with support personnel and peers. Facilitates continuous support and community engagement.

5. Data Analytics:

  • Technology: Advanced analytics tools.
  • Function: Tracks and measures impact across various metrics, including service delivery, mental health outcomes, educational progress, and employment rates.

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new application of an existing technology

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Software and Mobile Applications

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Ghana

Which, if any, additional countries will you be operating in within the next year?

  • Liberia
  • Mali
  • Nigeria
Your Team

How many people work on your solution team?

Our solution team comprises 8 full-time staff, 5 part-time staff, and 10 contractors. Additionally, we have a network of 6 advisors who provide essential guidance on various aspects of our projects. These roles are crucial for ensuring the effective development and implementation of our initiatives.

How long have you been working on your solution?

We have been actively working on the Survivor's Resource Network (SRN) for the past 18 months. During this time, we have developed our core technologies, established a dedicated team, and recently launched our online presence to enhance transparency and community engagement. This duration has allowed us to refine our approach and ensure our solutions effectively meet the needs of our target populations.

Tell us about how you ensure that your team is diverse, minimizes barriers to opportunity for staff, and provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for all team members.

At the Survivor's Resource Network (SRN), we prioritize creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment for our team and the communities we serve. Our leadership team features professionals from various backgrounds, including psychologists and advisors from both the US and Africa. This diversity enriches our perspectives, enabling us to develop more effective and culturally sensitive solutions.

To minimize barriers to opportunity, we offer flexible work arrangements and comprehensive training programs. This ensures that all team members, regardless of their backgrounds, have equitable access to professional development and advancement. We are committed to addressing systemic disparities that may hinder the full participation of marginalized groups. By doing so, we strive to create a level playing field where everyone has the chance to succeed and contribute meaningfully to our mission.

Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is central to our organizational culture. We foster this through regular team-building activities, open communication channels, and policies that promote respect and support for all team members. We believe that when people feel valued and respected, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and innovative.

Our goals for diversity, equity, and inclusion include increasing the representation of underrepresented groups within our team and continually enhancing our inclusive practices. To achieve these goals, we conduct regular reviews of our policies and practices, seeking feedback from our team and the communities we serve. This iterative process helps us identify areas for improvement and implement changes that drive us towards our goals.

For example, we have initiatives in place to recruit talent from diverse backgrounds, ensuring that our hiring practices are free from bias. We also provide mentorship and support to new team members to help them integrate smoothly and feel welcomed. By building a diverse team, we benefit from a wide range of perspectives and experiences, which enhances our problem-solving capabilities and drives innovation.

Furthermore, we are dedicated to creating an inclusive work environment where all voices are heard and valued. This includes establishing forums for open dialogue, where team members can share their experiences and ideas on how to improve our workplace culture. We also celebrate cultural diversity through various events and activities, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

In addition to our internal efforts, we are committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the communities we serve. Our programs are designed with input from these communities, ensuring that our solutions are relevant and effective. We engage with community leaders and stakeholders to understand their needs and priorities, and we tailor our initiatives to address these effectively.

Overall, our commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is reflected in every aspect of our work. By creating an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued, we are better equipped to achieve our mission of providing comprehensive support to refugees and victims of modern slavery. Through continuous improvement and a dedication to equitable practices, we aim to set a standard for inclusive excellence in the humanitarian sector.

Your Business Model & Funding

What is your business model?

Our business model is designed to deliver impactful services and generate revenue sustainably.

Key Customers and Beneficiaries:

  • Primary beneficiaries include refugees, victims of child trafficking and child labor, and victims of modern slavery.
  • Key customers are NGOs, government agencies, corporate partners, and donors.

Products and Services:

  1. AI-Powered Assistance (SecondAid Policy):

    • Our AI chatbot on ChatGPT provides immediate support, connecting users with essential resources like food, water, shelter, and healthcare.
  2. Mental Health Support (Mentara Policy):

    • We offer virtual counseling and psychological care through telehealth platforms, including AI-driven mental health assessments.
  3. Inclusive Education (Open-Able AI):

    • Our open-source AI tool on GitHub, AbleAI, provides educational resources tailored for disabled and illiterate individuals.
  4. Economic Empowerment:

    • We assist with job searches and provide vocational training through advanced algorithms and online platforms.
  5. Social Integration (LumenLink):

    • Using Slack, LumenLink connects users with psychologists, counselors, teachers, and peers to foster community support.

Revenue Streams:

  1. Partnerships and Grants:

    • Collaborate with NGOs and government agencies on projects and receive grants.
    • Engage corporate partners in CSR programs for funding and resources.
  2. Donations:

    • Receive contributions from individual donors and organize fundraising events.
  3. Service Contracts:

    • Offer vocational training services and consultancy in AI-driven humanitarian solutions to organizations and governments.

Value Proposition: Our approach ensures quick resource allocation, comprehensive mental health care, inclusive education, job placement, and social integration. This holistic support system transforms lives and fosters resilience.

Impact and Revenue:

  • We generate sustainable funding through diverse revenue streams, ensuring financial stability and scalability. This allows us to expand our reach and continually support our beneficiaries effectively.

In summary, SRN's business model combines advanced technology with compassionate care to provide vital services to vulnerable populations. By leveraging partnerships, donations, and service contracts, we create a comprehensive support system that not only transforms lives but also ensures sustainable impact and revenue generation.

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?

Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)

What is your plan for becoming financially sustainable, and what evidence can you provide that this plan has been successful so far?

Current Revenue Streams:

  1. Grants and Donations:

    • We actively seek grants from NGOs, foundations, and government agencies. Our initial funding has primarily come from our core team, demonstrating our commitment and belief in our mission.
    • Sustained donations from individual supporters are a significant part of our funding strategy. For example, our recent fundraising campaign raised $20,000 from over 200 donors.
  2. Partnerships:

    • We collaborate with corporate partners on CSR initiatives, providing financial support and in-kind resources. A tech company recently donated hardware worth $10,000 for our educational programs.

Future Revenue Streams:

  1. Presidential and Government Support:

    • By showcasing our impactful work and success stories, we aim to gain support from higher government levels, including potential presidential endorsements and funding.
  2. Expansion of Services:

    • We plan to scale up our consultancy and training services, targeting more extensive contracts with governments and NGOs, and expand our services to other African countries, opening new revenue streams and leveraging regional partnerships.
  3. Sustainable Donation Strategies:

    • Implementing a structured donation strategy, including recurring donation programs, will ensure steady funding. We are developing a subscription-based donation model where donors can contribute monthly, providing a reliable income stream.
  4. Social Enterprise Ventures:

    • Launching social enterprises that align with our mission can generate additional revenue. For example, creating a tech hub that offers paid training courses can fund our free programs for the underserved.

Evidence of Success:

  1. Funding and Achievements:

    • Our initial funding has come from our dedicated core team, demonstrating our commitment to our mission.
  2. Recognition and Awards:

    •  Our pitch at the Google I/O Extended event in Kumasi drew significant interest from tech developers and investors.

Long-term Feasibility:

Our comprehensive strategy ensures long-term financial sustainability by diversifying revenue streams and aligning them with our mission. By combining grants, donations, service contracts, and innovative social enterprises, we cover our expected expenses and scale our impact. Continuous engagement with stakeholders, including potential high-level government support, will further enhance our financial stability and growth prospects.

Solution Team

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