Solution Overview

Solution Name:

ERS Concerso

One-line solution summary:

Cooperation and investment platform for employability and better living together through the innovative inclusive model ERS®

Pitch your solution.

ERS® is an operational governance model driven by measuring the societal wealth of the real economy on the basis of a positive intergenerational transmission of "Jobs and employment skills logic” solution.

Backed by a societal network plateforme "ERS CONCERSO®" and its international cooperation and impact investment the "New Skills Road Program®, our solution aims to eradicate poverty and stimulate real economy by providing education, employment, investments, based on our secured end-to-end framework of "Human, Territorial, Financial and Artificial Intelligence".

The engineering of ERS programs in an “analytical, educational and media “ triptych that guarantees operational efficiency and transfers existing positive assets to the “employability” of new generations.

Based on a personal and collective job's skills value chain impacting inclusive employment, our solution empowered professional citizens (existing and future) thanks to the demographic dynamics in order for them to become stable, inclusive and resilient. ERS stimulates engagement and otherness. 

Film your elevator pitch.

What specific problem are you solving?

The specific challenges ERS overcomes are to succeed in strengthening the local economy through the empowerment of professional citizens considered at the source of this issue by the volume they represent and the dynamics of intergenerational connexions.

The immediate solutions are to succeed in strengthening professional citizens  aligned with local and international organizations.

Employability is the personal and common goal as far as jobs' skills impact positively employment.

 The “Job & Employment  Skills” as a united data content value (ERS Data), can enhance the personal and common good in the real economy. More than 80% ERS citizens consider this new skill as valuable for an inclusive economy.

Learning to agree on that issue is the urgent educational ground that concerns all of us.  

 2 billions of African citizens by 2050 (70% - 20 years old) could potentially be ready to design the new economic and societal chain of value. 

Locally, the digitalization of the ERS Data and its propagation in a blockchain, makes ERS CONCERSO platform an efficient solution for new generations.

Globally, the launch of the  "New Skills' Roads" program, in cooperation with the Republic of Guinea's government in oct 2019, can build a new Pact for international impact.


Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

Our solution serves professionnel citizens (including student citizens) and organisations. It 1) mesures the positive share of each person in its professional territory, 2) educate organizations towards a better inclusion of skills 3) promote a fairer approach to employment policy

The ERS ecosystem is based on an instrument capable of modeling and developing the extraction of data in a living environment “professional person / sectorial sectors / employment territories” to create iterative and evolutionary connexions “citizens to citizens / citizens to organization / organization to organization” drawing from each “data ERS citizens unit”, employment trajectories backed by an impact investment fund ERS (ERS Blockchain).

The operationel model is based on the crucial needs of citizens to be considered in the economical and financial chain value. 

  • The installation of a societal incubator organized in R&D labs wich make it possible to build the “system core” architecture of the ERS matrix and its “nano data Territories ERS” programming system
  • The deployment of the ERS Concerso platform made up of personal and collective spaces which are propagated through a “big data ERS Territories” programming system

Citizens are secured in a confident, incorruptible and traceable environment. They are encouraged to share their value.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

  • How can countries ensure that everyone—especially vulnerable and marginalized groups—are able to apply/register for an ID in a way that protects people’s health, data, and the integrity of the ID system?

Explain how the problem, your solution, and your solution’s target population relate to the Mission Billion Challenge Global Prize and your selected dimension.

The innovative ERS Concerso marketplace is the first analytical, educational and media system with 4 intelligences : human intelligence, artificial intelligence, territories intelligence and financial intelligence. These 4 intelligences form a new holistic intelligence system : positive societal intelligence. It is a natural and universal intelligent system and gives rise to the value of “otherness” between natural persons (professional citizens), and legal persons (private and public companies and organizations) 

 This holistic intelligence system is particularly suited to the challenges of includind future generations in employment and better living together in Africa. Human innovation and technologies can gather citizens and governments.

Where is your solution team headquartered?

Paris, France

What is your solution’s stage of development?

  • Growth: An individual or organization with an established product, service or model rolled out, which is poised for further growth in multiple locations.

Who is the primary delegate for your solution?

Florence Lacave, CEO

More About Your Solution

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

  • A new business model or process

Describe what makes your solution innovative.

Our offer is based on the ERS matrix and it’s capabilities of modeling an economic and societal value chain for employability and Better Living Together, based on:

- A dual benchmark called “job / employment” skill which aligns the professional citizen (responsible for his job’s skills, as a proven value for his learning and practice in the real economy) and organizations, private and public companies, ( solidarity in  employment, as the proven value of the wealth produced by the job’s skills of citizens and their positive impact on the real economy)


- A Transversal intelligence system : 1) human intelligence (semantics which secures the unitary, and therefore unique, value of each ERS citizen), 2) territorial intelligence (mapping of jobs in business, sectoral and geographic territories), 3 ) artificial intelligence (digitization of the semantic and territorial value chain, based on the value of “ERS employment” data) 4) financial intelligence (ERS indicators which calculate the share of each professional citizen in their “job / employment” ecosystem)

- A transversal programming system for “ERS employment” data: analytical, educational and media programs integrated into the CONCERSO platform, thus creating an ecosystem that takes its power from demographic and territorial dynamics, at the heart of the transmission process ( intergenerational) and propagation in organizations (companies, institutions, governments).

- A system of intergenerational and inter-territory propagation that generates an economic model based on securing and enhancing the wealth of the real economy of each sovereign territory and their ability to be part of international cooperation.

Provide evidence that your solution works.

Since 1992, France has been the main field of R&D experimentation of ERS employment data, as a source of creation and sharing of wealth from the economy of professional territories from professional citizens.

ERS was initiated over 28 years ago when the company “Victoires de l'Emploi” was created in 1992, we carried out field analyzes with various professionals (different sectors, company sizes , types of business, etc.). We have set up surveys retracing the professional history of the people interviewed as well as their skills and feelings about the profession. We initially focused our analyzes on production and sales professions such as hairdressers, butchers and bakers. The aim of this field approach was to highlight the wealth carried by each individual and the importance of intergenerational transmission when accessing business skills and employment, this important data collection and analysis leaded to the born of the ERS Matrix and it’s measurement system of the real economy wealth and the "employment" data system.


Our main sampling territory where we have tested and deployed our ecosystem since October 2019 is Guinea, we have obtained since then a very satisfactory first feedback, We have nevertheless signed a partnership with the Ministry of Youth in Guinea and are in the process of setting up a fundraising file with the Guinean Ministry of Investment in order to move on to the production stage and phase 1 of our solutions's scalability which start with the Ivory Cost as well as 4 other countries in West Africa.

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Audiovisual Media
  • Behavioral Technology
  • Big Data
  • Biomimicry
  • Blockchain
  • Crowdsourced Service / Social Networks
  • Software and Mobile Applications

What is your theory of change?

The purpose of our matrix is to create these new joins from a business benchmark (professional citizen) and a "business sector offer" benchmark (professional organization). From this job-Employment junction, we hope that a new “job and Emlpoyment skill” frame of reference is created, thus generating a holistic “job” skill, the institutions of which are the guarantors of personal good, on the one hand, and of the common good, on the other hand. To date, the repository remains in silos, so apprenticeship and vocational training do not integrate the learning and cooperating model "short trade employment circuit" with a skills repository adapted to the heterogeneous nature of the real economy.

The challenge of our project is both to create jobs and to include people in their professional environment. Its objective is therefore to design a generator of measurements and use of "employment" data (CONCERSO) capable of covering all areas of the real economy around the world. The purpose of this tool is to promote the employability of people through changes in local economic development policies and to measure the potential for deployable employment.

More generally, the challenges CONCERSO wishes to respond to are as follows:

• What if each individual could exercise their profession by fully expressing their personal and collective entrepreneurial dynamics?

• What if each school could direct its students towards business or business creation with the right career path?

• What if each company could welcome employees who perfectly match its values, its business needs and its growth objectives?

• What if each State and Government could succeed in creating an entrepreneurial society, creating fulfilling jobs through personal fulfillment?

With a view to proposing a new paradigm for helping access to employment, in particular for the new generations, we had determined technical objectives from the start of our project.

How can your solution be incorporated into identification systems?

Explain how your solution is interoperable with existing technologies and open standards.

APIs are planned and our ERS consideration Token prototype is based on ethereum erc20 token and KYC/AML regulations ensuring robustness, transparency and trust in our ecosystem

How does your solution account for low connectivity environments and for users with low literacy and numeracy levels?

Our territorial intelligence system and precisely our local employees are recruited and trained in order to speak the different local dialects, in Guinea for example, our ambassadors (local citizens trained for collecting data in the field ) speaks several dialects and a scalable training and cooptation program is set up to ensure that technophobs, illiterate or disabled people can be embedded in our ecosystem. An RFID card system is planned in our technological roadmap will allow non-smartphone holders to have a ERS card containing a secure ERS identifier allowing access to our regional services and programs

Select the key characteristics of your target population.

  • Women & Girls
  • Informal Sector Workers
  • Migrant Workers
  • Children & Adolescents
  • Rural Settings
  • Peri-Urban
  • Urban
  • Poor
  • Low-Income
  • Middle-Income
  • Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
  • Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
  • Stateless Persons
  • Nomadic Populations and Pastoralists
  • Persons with Disabilities

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • France
  • Guinea
  • Côte d'Ivoire

In which countries will you be operating within the next year?

  • Benin
  • Burkina Faso
  • Mali
  • Niger
  • Senegal
  • Togo
  • Tunisia

How many people does your solution currently serve? How many will it serve in one year? In five years?

Our goal is to engage potentially 50% of the 2 billions of African citizens by 2050 (70% will be under 20 years old)

What are your goals within the next year and within the next five years?


What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your goals in the next year and in the next five years?

The main barrier is the willingness of territorial stakeholders to join the ERS and this depends on the governance and political identity of each territory.

Where the universal ERS matrix trades a token of consideration approved by local stakeholders to professional citizens in exchange of their employment data i.e  their jobs / employment skill responsibility and their will to transmit and share to future. From there, the citizen enters into our model of measurement, education and valuation.

How do you plan to overcome these barriers?

Build solid partnerships with important stakeholders in Africa, able to support us in our awareness-raising action on the ERS model

able to assist us in our ERS evangelization action

Raise the necessary funds to develop our model, its technologies and the implementation of the large-scale ERS and New Skill’s Roads programming.

Demonstrate on one or more pilot territories the impact of our solutions on the most fragile populations as well as on the economic and societal indicators of these territories [Guinea advanced 1/3 analytical program]

About Your Team

What type of organization is your solution team?

  • For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

How many people work on your solution team?


full-time staff : 2 

part-time staff : 9

contractors +10

How long have you been working on your solution?

28 years

Why are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?


What organizations do you currently partner with, if any? How are you working with them?

Your Business Model & Funding

What is your business model?

Our targets are active citizens (ERS citizens), organizations (schools, businesses, government institutions and state services).

Our business model is based on the following triptych:

- Engaged citizens

- Strong states

- Powerful technologies

Our economic model is built empirically:

1) By private financing of companies and schools by sector of activity (eg 1) IGS school, computer training sector and 2) Reply company, which operates in the engineering sector); we create a tripartite school / company / ERS partnership and they buy the "employment data" and its "job Employment Skill" value chain for an effective inclusion of skills in the real economy

2) By private and public investors who support our ecosystem and invest in our R&D laboratories in sovereign territories (eg ERS France, ERS Guinée, ERS Ivory Cost in progress)

3) By governmental institutions and international donors who support our “international cooperation” positioning based on the sovereignty of economic territories and professional citizens who are at the source of the dynamic of wealth creation

They buy ERS data and its operating system with the aim of creating local economies:

1) More stable

2) More inclusive

3) More resilient

The clientele that we are targeting therefore corresponds to all French and then international companies wishing to change their policy of access to employment by promoting all business skills.

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, or to other organizations?

  • Organizations (B2B)

If you have raised funds for your solution or are generating revenue, please provide details.

For example, the Hygiene and cleanliness sector with the French leader GSF, for better inclusion in the employment of professionals who are trained "in work-study and continuous training" to achieve a balanced alignment between the rise in skills, quality of the offer and commercial efficiency that responds to the 3 challenges mentioned above (stable, inclusive, resilient)

We therefore integrate the entire value chain of the real economy and the issue of inclusion in employment of all existing and future professional citizens, namely, VSEs, SMEs and craft businesses for which the issues on business and commercial aspects are the most important (e.g. the hairdressing sector which was the subject of our main prototypes in 2017 and 2018)

In 2019, SAS M.I.S bought 21% of the holding ERS International shares for 100k€

We are today happy to share that a couple of confidential fundraisings are in progress to hopefully enable the scalability and the development of our ecosystem in Africa.

Partnership & Prize Funding Opportunities

Why are you applying to the Mission Billion Challenge Global Prize?

We believe that the Mission Billion Challange is an amazing opportunity for us to share our mission with like minded entrepreneurs, organizations and actors in the world and in Africa in particular, also a unique chance to share and discuss our work with the greatest experts in innovation and disruptive technologies

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Talent recruitment
  • Board members or advisors
  • Legal or regulatory matters
  • Monitoring and evaluation

Solution Team

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