Solution Overview & Team Lead Details

Our Organization


What is the name of your solution?

Civic Tech platform democratizing access to Social Justice.

Provide a one-line summary of your solution.

Through an innovative approach coupled with inclusive Human centered infrastructure, AwaCountry is making access to Social Justice as simple as A B C

Film your elevator pitch.

What specific problem are you solving?

About 49% percent communities in Nigeria (first) (according to statistics by Statista) don’t have access to the Internet. In the community where I grew, I watched for close to ten years and counting how unstable internet and mobile phone connection has cut the community out of getting important information and justice whenever their rights are trampled on. 

AwaCountry is starting out as an USSD platform borne out of the need to cater for those cut out of the internet due to cost of data subscription or cost of smartphones. In terms of what'll cost to access our platform, our research shows that the cost of USSD codes on users are relatively cheap, however, we can scale in this area by offering our USSD code free to users.

We’re challenged by the fact that if Fintech platform can lay a bold claim in banking the unbanked with the use of a mobile app or USSD platform. We can also use such tool in advancing Governance and Civic engagement. Social media has proven that with the use of a mobile phone Civic engagement can be advanced. So, we want to bring Civic engagement to the hands of those who lack access to a smartphone or Internet.

What is your solution?

Our idea is built as a response to the experiment by American scientist John Calhoun titled “Universe 25”. The experiment was conducted on four mice who lived together in an enclosed area with all their needs been catered for. The experiment revealed social instability is a constant in the society. This is the problem we want to solve, first, starting with those in Nigeria who lack access to Internet. It is for this reason our Core Values are: People, Power, and Accountability.

AwaCountry is focused on onboarding citizens to participate in governance from their comfort zone using a mobile phone to advance democratic and societal growth.

AwaCountry is a Civic Tech non-profit organization that will democratize access to Civic Engagement, social justice and Governance accountability.

AwaCountry as an organisation believes unity can be accelerated through the use of civic engagement in meeting and getting citizens to voice out when their rights is trampled upon. We’re bringing power to hands of citizen regardless of their accessibility to Internet. 

Via our USSD code we will make social justice accessible and easy regardless of ones political, social or ethic background. Social Injustice is a problem that has been in the society since time immemorial. Therefore, we believe our idea can withstand the sands of time and scale into the future while embracing new technologies and deploying it for users across various spectrums. 

We want people in the society to be accountable for their actions irrespective of their status. Parts of our scaling ambitions is that we'll make use of social media networks and also adopt an hybrid model in reaching communities.

Strong preference will be given to Native-led solutions that directly benefit and are located within the Indigenous communities. Which community(s) does your solution benefit? In what ways will your solution benefit this community?

AwaCountry is starting out as an USSD platform borne out of the need to cater for those cut out of the internet due to cost of data subscription or cost of smartphones.  

In terms of what'll cost to access our platform, our research shows that the cost of USSD codes on users are relatively cheap, however, we can scale in this area by offering our USSD code free to users. In other to involve the community in the development of the idea, the first iteration of the idea would be shared with members of the community who sign up on a wait list.

Proposed Stages of USSD When users press *758# This option takes the user to language options in the page. User will select either 1 for English, 2 for Yoruba, 3 for Igbo or 4 for Hausa. Once, language option is selected, user can now access AwaCountry's feature. Features are separated into four: 1 for Report Yourself: Here users can give real time update on happenings around their area. Breaking news, social justice, police brutality and other societal issues can be reported in real time in the section. 2 for Verify: Users can easily verify an information to know if it's fake or not. 3 for My Rep: Users can know more about community, political and even religious leaders. Also they can file a complaint or suggestions that'll be delivered to the message box of their reps. 4 for Cost of Governance Users can access all financial information on Government and it's parastatals. Due to the time limit on USSD once this command is done by the user, they receive a message from a short code number (take for example 33789) via this message users can then type in details of information they're in need of.

We’re bringing power to hands of citizen regardless of their accessibility to Internet.

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?

My father is a man. He was a single Dad for four years while my mother was abroad. Rent in Lagos was digging a big hole into his income, he decided the best way to mitigate the situation was for him to complete his housing project. 

On December 30, 2007, my father along with his four children moved into this community. As kids, my siblings and I could only mutter to ourselves why our “old man” was taking us back to a village which lacked all the social and basic amenities (Road, water, electricity, internet e.t.c)  we enjoyed in Lagos. I've experienced firsthand what it means to lack access to the internet. 

My experience as a journalist has shown that people love to express and share feedback with you when they know it won't have a resultant effect on them. Information would be sourced under anonymity with a view to understanding the problem better. We'll organize community town Halls where political and social leaders would be present to listen and share feedback with community members.

Where our solution team is headquartered or located:

Lagos, Nigeria

Our solution's stage of development:


How many people does your solution currently serve?

50 in Beta Testing

Why are you applying to Solve?

We at AwaCountry are applying to join Solve because we believe in power of platforms and its abilities to propel ideas to achievable innovation. Platforms like Solve provides AwaCountry with an opportunity to develop its technological base to global standard. As a respected institution, MIT as a tech institute of development and innovation, provides AwaCountry with the opportunity to learn from those who have gone ahead of us. 

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Human Capital (e.g. sourcing talent, board development, etc.)
  • Public Relations (e.g. branding/marketing strategy, social and global media)
  • Technology (e.g. software or hardware, web development/design, data analysis, etc.)

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Damilola Adeyera

Please indicate the tribal affiliation of your Team Lead.


Is the Team Lead a resident of the United States?


Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Drive positive outcomes for Native learners of any or all ages while supporting culturally grounded educational opportunities on and/or off reservations.

More About Your Solution

What makes your solution innovative?

Via our USSD code we will make social justice accessible and easy regardless of ones political, social or ethic background. USSD codes offer a unique opportunity to reach communities in rural areas who have been cut out of the internet as a result of Data subscription and Smartphone. 

Social Injustice is a problem that has been in the society since time immemorial. Therefore, we believe our idea can withstand the sands of time and scale into the future while embracing new technologies and deploying it for users across various spectrums.

We want people in the society to be accountable for their actions irrespective of their status. Parts of our scaling ambitions is that we'll make use of social media networks and also adopt an hybrid model in reaching communities. In the hybrid model, 

What are your impact goals for the next year and the next five years, and how will you achieve them?

AwaCountry is starting out as an USSD platform borne out of the need to cater for those cut out of the internet due to cost of data subscription or cost of smartphones. As the number of those who can't access these opportunities reduce, so also will the need for USSD code. That means more and more people who can now afford Data subscription and smartphones would most likely spend more time on social media networks. Therefore the need for AwaCountry to advance it's technology in line with the advancement.

To achieve this, AwaCountry would join Social Media networks and also draw a road map on how to build, develop and promote its own social media platform. AwaCountry's foundation is built on the pillars of: People, Power and Accountability and these pillars are evolving concepts that'll expand. For great use and adoption, AwaCountry would be accessed from the website, USSD code, social media pages, on the streets (agency) and mobile application.

Again, as we continue to scale into the future, we'll be prepared to create innovations that can function in the event of communication blockade. We plan and dream to partner with Elon Musk's Starlink in accessing it's satellite. Although this is subject to review because of current fears that "the amount of metal that will be burning up in Earth's atmosphere as old satellites are deorbited, could trigger unpredictable changes to the planet's climate".

How are you measuring your progress toward your impact goals?

Through the office our Settlement officer, the personnel who would be responsible for disrepute resolution, AwaCountry would track the number of Social Justice issues reported, number of Social Justice solved and number of Social Justice case pending. This gives an indicator on how we measure our progress. It also gives us an insights into new areas that need urgent attention. 

The UN Sustainable Development Goal 11 & 16 helps in also positioning ourselves better in knowing how our work is contributing to the advancement of the society. This for us is another way we measure our impact. 

Also, we measure through number of conversion. That is the number of ways people get to hear about our service gives us an insights into how far our message is reaching. 

What is your theory of change?

For us at AwaCountry, our theory of change is how advance to world gets to be when every is held accountable and responsible for their actions and inactions. This we believe is the climax when an equitable and equal society is achieved. 

"When social justice mirrors economic prosperity, people realise civil and political rights derived from thoughts related to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; economic, social, and cultural rights emanating from the need of social security, work and living standard; and the right to economic and social development originating from a quest for self-determination," The Times of India says in its report on how economic prosperity is useless without prosperity. 

The above is our theory of change and the goal we actively work towards solving in Indigenous Community.

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

Our technology is built on Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)which means that we're breaking from the norm of apps  and softwares. "USSD involves a query from a mobile phone user, such as a request for a bank account balance. Once the user sends the request, the USSD gateway forwards it to the user's USSD application, which responds to the request," according to Techtarget. 

Government blockade of communication is a potential barrier to this innovation. It's fast becoming a trend in African countries where by Government switch of communication in places for a period of time. A close example is the current blockade of communication in Tigray. However, to scale and solve this problem the creation of a micro SD cards that can be used any phone. This card would record audio files that can be shared with AwaCountry and those they want to. This part of future scaling ambitions.

Another potential hurdle is Government clampdown on AwaCountry's technology. The recent ban on Twitter in Nigeria has shown that the administration of President Muhammadu Buhari will operate in a realm where they'll pay little or no attention to
Digital Rights.

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new application of an existing technology

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Audiovisual Media
  • Internet of Things
  • Software and Mobile Applications

Which of the UN Sustainable Development Goals does your solution address?

  • 10. Reduced Inequalities
  • 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • 16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

In which countries do you currently operate?

  • Nigeria

In which countries will you be operating within the next year?

  • Nigeria

In which states will you be operating within the next year?

  • Tennessee
Your Team

What type of organization is your solution team?


How many people work on your solution team?

Two part time staffs.

How long have you been working on your solution?

About a year.

What is your approach to incorporating diversity, equity, and inclusivity into your work?

Equity and diversity is strong in our DNA which is two of our Board members are women not just women but women with strong professional experience. For us this was an important way in advancing the gender inclusivity. 

All the major languages in the country, we'll be catered for in our solution meaning that people who be denied access of because of their cultural identity. 

Your Business Model & Funding

What is your business model?

Through our solution, we're providing social justice infrastructure for the 49% communities in Nigeria who don't have digital footprints. This value proposition is an ambition that if accomplished  would impact the country. We're currently raising funds through participating actively in competition. Soon, we will raise funds from donations and Research and Development we're aware of the Data shortage in Africa and so AwaCountry can invest in this problem as a way of diversifying. 

Our pricing is zero, AwaCountry bears the cost of usage of our products by users. This model is helps in accessing more users. With our hybrid model, we operate an online and offline model such we have POS stores around communities. Something similar to POS. This would be achieved by partnership.  


Photo Credit: Jiji/Mathew Adejumo

Hybrid Model such that there's a integration between online and offline access to our solution. For the online, Users can access our solution through the USSD. For the offline approach, we adopt the use of Point of Sale (POS) which most Fintech use in getting close to their users. AwaCountry's POS would be placed strategically in each community such that people can easily walk in and get access to our product offering. 

Do you primarily provide products or services directly to individuals, to other organizations, or to the government?

Individual consumers or stakeholders (B2C)

What is your plan for becoming financially sustainable?

We're a nonprofit organization. We do not seek to monetize our features. But then one question how the organization would survive? To survive, we leverage on partnerships and raising money from non-profit organizations who offer grants. Aside grants, by leveraging partnership we'll educate the community on the need for our survival. How? The ban on Twitter, Bitcoin and other technological innovations in the country has shown the need for the development and advancement of a vibrant Civic Tech. If the country fails to operate peacefully all technological innovations would seem like filling a basket with water. Also, with the race for 2023 General Election in motion, there is the need for discussion on civic innovations that can solve and curb issues like vote buying, fake news and other issues. Now, to leverage partnership we'll partner with organization whose products we'll need in running AwaCountry by telling them that contributing to our growth is their own way of Corporate Social Responsible, CSR. Although, they're not obligated to yield to our request.

Another way, we'll raise funds and continue to raise is by participating in competitions like this. Attending competitions forms a major DNA in our blueprint at AwaCountry. From emerging 2nd runner up at a hackathon competition organised by BudgIT, to coming first at a competition organised by The Great Foundation where we were privileged to win $10,000 award. We believe in the act of telling our stories to the world while also scaling our finance.

Share some examples of how your plan to achieve financial sustainability has been successful so far.

Another way, we'll raise funds and continue to raise is by participating in competitions like this. Attending competitions forms a major DNA in our blueprint at AwaCountry. From emerging 2nd runner up at a hackathon competition organised by BudgIT, to coming first at a competition organised by The Great Foundation where we were privileged to win $10,000 award. Also, we presented our Solution at Founders Live Lagos where we won $5,ooo in AWS and also have access to $50,000 in credit.  We believe in the act of telling our stories to the world while also scaling our finance.

Solution Team

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