Solution Overview

Solution Name

Kidsqwest: A Marketplace of pre-school content

One-line solution summary

ACKTEC Singapore is  electronic-learning provider offering a variety of solutions, Immersive Learning and Learning Management Systems, organisations across South-East Asia

Pitch your solution

KidsQwest is an online course marketplace aimed towards fulfilling the educational needs of adult and corporate learning. KidsQwest offers a range of curated courses across various themes, learning needs and training providers based on appropriate pedagogy approaches. KidsQwest lists courses from accredited training providers such as josiah Montessori, AGAPE, Explorer Junior to deliver quality education. KidsQwest also allows consumers to access courses anytime and on the go with its multi- device compatibility. Customers are charged on a subscription basis. KidsQwest Marketplace has over 6,000 active users across Asia, this number increasing by the month. ACKTEC Singapore plans to add additional e-learning products in order to strengthen its market leadership in Immersive Learning EdTech globally. This will be achieved either by inhouse R&D, strategic partnerships and future acquisitions of complementary EdTech solutions.

Film your elevator pitch.

Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address?

Improve literacy, numeracy, and social emotional learning milestones while supporting a diverse range of learning pace and styles

Where our solution team is headquartered or located:


Is your solution working in Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and/or Malaysia?

  • Vietnam
  • Indonesia
  • Philippines
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia

What specific problem are you solving in Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, and/or Malaysia?

ACKTEC Kidsqwest is looking to solve and to

  • Improve literacy, numeracy, and social emotional learning milestones while supporting a diverse range of learning pace and styles
  • Equip teachers, parents, and other stakeholders within the education ecosystem with the digital literacy and confidence needed to engage meaningfully with edtech and enable capacity-building


Who does your solution serve, and in what ways will the solution impact their lives?

There are no ecosystem that can cater to the demand of  millions of learners (Pre-K and Skill learner) to have a readily content with a full suite platform for teachers or trainer to use. In absence of the availability of the good content and remote-learning platform at affordable fee, the teachers or school resort to other methods (Google Classroom/ Zoom) and it doesn’t work for  most of them.

Parents or teachers has no way to conduct lesson online with good resources for pre-schools kids

Rural areas kids are deprived of good learning material accelerated by covid-19.

Pre-schools parents who are less fortunate and Pre-schools teachers who do not have digital resource.

How does the problem you are addressing, the solution you have designed, and the population you are serving align with the Challenge?

Our platform has the contents from the top rated contents from SG and China, it is well curated and digitalised onto our Kidsqwest Platform that is allow the target group to Improve literacy, numeracy, and social emotional learning milestones while supporting their own learning pace and styles.

The Kidsqwest platform is also able to Equip teachers, parents, and other stakeholders within the education ecosystem with the digital literacy and confidence needed to engage meaningfully with edtech and enable capacity-building with these contents that they can use.

What is your solution’s stage of development?

Growth: An initiative, venture, or organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several contexts or communities, which is poised for further growth

Who is the Team Lead for your solution?

Rayvan is a seasoned entrepreneur in the education industry across where he founded ACKTEC Singapore, an (“EdTech”) company. 

More About Your Solution

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful

What makes your solution innovative?

Due to covid-19, pre-schools are closed and Jobs are lost. Pre-schools have no access to content and platform for teaching. Kqwest and Kidskqwest provide a one stop content curated and developed by strong brand name with interactive animation for kids to learn together with their teachers or parents at home or for adults to get jobs from corporate.

Have you tested your solution’s approach? If so, how?

$150,000 in monthly revenue, growing 25% per month
85 clients, 800,000 active daily users
25% growth in the first 3 months
45% Margins
9 pre-schools signed up in just the since July '21

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

Course authoring tools- No-code 360° VR tours and animation effects with effortless publishing

Digital learning chatbot- Upgrade from current chatbot to Neural Programming Language smart bot
Personalized learning roadmap- Realtime analysis through diagnostic assessments will develop custom learning pathways for students
Immersive VR learning- Smart Glasses will be integrated to provide immersive learning experiences

What is your theory of change?


Which target population(s) does your solution address?

  • Learners to use in classroom
  • Learners to use at home
  • Parents to use with children
  • Teachers to use with learners
  • Used in public schools
  • Used in private schools
  • Used in ‘out-of-school’ centers
  • Other education system actors
  • Society in general

If you selected Other, please explain here.


What are the key characteristics of your target population?

  • Women & Girls
  • Pregnant Women
  • Infants
  • Children & Adolescents
  • Peri-Urban
  • Low-Income
  • Refugees & Internally Displaced Persons
  • Minorities & Previously Excluded Populations
  • Persons with Disabilities

If you selected Other, please explain here.


Which categories best describe your main EdTech product or service?

  • Management information systems
  • Personalized and adaptive learning
  • Platform / content / tools for learners

If you selected Other, please explain here.


In which countries will you be operating within the next year?

  • Singapore

How are you measuring your progress toward your impact goals?

Level of engagement through interactive fun learning. Pre-k Kids are engaged on remote learning and benefiting more online

Rate of acceptance for digital content as home schooling for Pre-k kids.  Parents and teacher can find a safe way to continue lesson at home digitally and remote areas can continue schools

Level of literacy in rural or deprive areas. Learning can be done crossed border thereby increasing the literacy even at young age to reduce cost through technology.

What are your impact goals for the next year, the next three years, and the next five years? How will you achieve them?

Transformational Impact.

Kids in more remote areas in ASEAN are able to be taught by good content through self directed as well as through good teachers from well known institution from SG and other parts of the world at a affordable cost without comprising quality.

Kids are able to be part of global citizens understanding STEM, ESG and initiatives without being deprived by level of teacher quality

Kids are able to still continue their studies at all time uninterrupted even at their own home


Ways to achieve are:

Introducing innovative ways of digitising and sharing learning content in the digital realm

Work with Schools and Teacher to create an ecosystem of learning and building digital content for students

Inspire teachers on what can be achieve and movement to make digital learning fun

What barriers currently exist for you to accomplish your impact goals?

  • Access to talent
  • Financing
  • Cultural

If you selected Other, please explain here.


Describe these barriers as they relate to your solution. How do you plan to overcome them?

Access to Talents and Cultural: In ASEAN, we noted that the level of talent in understanding how to introduce new ways and awareness is low. As such, we wish to work with more schools leaders to Introduce innovative ways of digitising and sharing learning content in the digital realm through Digital animation course that ACKTEC has as well as an authoring tools that allows teacher to do their own creations. Through OCTAVA and Solve, we hope to tap to more network and leaders to do this

Financing: Schools and school leader are pretty open but at the same time careful in spending on innovative ideas, we hope through Solve and OCtava can help to subside or motivate rural schools or less privilege students through creating an ecosystem to Inspire teachers on what can be achieve and movement to make digital learning fun

More About Your Team

Please provide a brief history of your organization. What was the motivation behind starting your organization and/or the development of your solution?


ACKTEC Singapore is a Singaporean based global Educational Technology (“EdTech”)

company focused on innovation for Immersive Learning.

Leading e-learning provider with proven success

ACKTEC Singapore has expanded massively in recent years, reaching over 800,000 active users and 71 enterprise clients across various sectors, such as Singapore Airlines, Jetstar, IQVIA (formerly Quintiles), Singapore Bus Services, AIA, MindChamps and Raffles Girls School. ACKTEC Singapore’s e-learning products are currently being used in 16 countries in respect of 106 distinct processes (e.g., driving a bus, customer handling, repairing objects etc.). The company is also supported with CEO training and networking by New Oriental Education & Tech Group (NYSE: EDU), a leading e-learning provider in Asia through their CEO program, Enterprise Singapore Seeds Capital, Seedstars and Plug & Play.

ACKTEC Singapore had sales of approximately $1.1 million in 2020 and $500,000 in 2019. Refer to Appendix D for further details on historical revenue.

A portfolio of leading and complementary e-learning solutions ACKTEC Singapore has 3 key products: ACKTEC Learn, ACKTEC Class and KQwest Marketplace. These 3 products are complementary to each other and build an ecosystem that enables cross-selling opportunities.

What type of organization is your solution team?

For-profit, including B-Corp or similar models

How many people work on your solution team?

42 Full time Staff

10 Part time staff

How long have you been working on your solution?

12 months

How are you and your team well-positioned to deliver this solution?


Provide an example of your Team Lead’s ability to conceptualize and implement a new idea.

Rayvan is a seasoned entrepreneur in the education industry across Australasia. In 2018, he founded ACKTEC Singapore, an educational technology (“EdTech”) company with a mission to develop in all its students the passion to learn, the confidence to become self- directed and to micro-learn through technology. In August 2018, ACKTEC Singapore was runners-up in mobile learning during an event organised by the Singaporean Ministry of Education SkillsFuture Singapore Institute of Adult Learning. In November 2018, Rayvan was invited as a speaker and panellist to EdTech X Global 2018 in Beijing to speak about "Harnessing AI to advance Education".


Prior to ACKTEC Singapore, Rayvan was the director of AEDNO Learning Studio, a Singaporean company that provides educational consultancy to schools in Singapore, Laos and Indonesia. His experience included establishing schools and learning centres in Singapore, Laos and Indonesia.


Rayvan is a key advisor to several Education Institutions in Singapore, Laos and Jakarta. He is also a Committee Member of the Youth Business Affair Committee, established by the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI).


Rayvan holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (Hons) with a minor in Technopreneurship & Business from the National University of Singapore (NUS).


What organizations do you currently partner with, if any? How are you working with them?

Pre-schools, Vocational Schools, Government and Corporate.


Partnership & Growth Opportunities

Why are you applying to the Octava Social Innovation Challenge?

Through MIT Solve and Octava, we hope to make an impact to more students in the world who needs access to good content for pre-school learning or for jobs. Through the network as well as more feedbacks on our product, we can increase our product UX/UI and benefit more people

In which of the following areas do you most need partners or support?

  • Financial (e.g. improving accounting practices, pitching to investors)
  • Network connections (e.g. government, private sector, implementation communities)
  • Monitoring & Evaluation (e.g. collecting/using data, measuring impact)
  • Product / Service Distribution (e.g. expanding client base)

Please explain in more detail here.

We hope that with the foundation and MIT solve we can impact kids who do not even have money to get access for good content. with technology, good teachers can also be present to teach kids from rural or remote areas with good content.

Solution Team

  • Mr Rayvan Ho Founder, ACKTEC Technologies
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