Presented with
Implementing Solutions

The Trinity Challenge

How can data and analytics be used to better identify, respond to, and recover from global health emergencies?

Submissions are Closed

Awards Ceremony

Join The Trinity Challenge in a celebration of great ideas and an opportunity to network with leading voices on applying data and analytics to identify, respond, and recover from pandemics. This online and interactive event is free and open to all, and will take place on June 25, 2021 from 2-3:30pm BST

16 finalists have been selected our of 340 total applications, representing a diverse mix of geographies, organizations, and approaches. These teams bring the power of data and analytics to identify, respond, or recover from disease outbreaks in innovative ways. The vision presented by each of these solutions will address many of the problems that emerged during COVID-19 and better prepare the world for future epidemics.

Come and join us, at our inaugural Awards Ceremony, where we will announce the winners who will be awarded from a £6 million prize fund.

Register here.
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