Basic Information

What is the name of your organization?

Proof Programs

Is your organization registered as 501(c)(3) status with the IRS?


Which dimension of the Challenge does your solution most closely address? [Select up to 2]

  • Support scaling: Supporting long term business plan and succession through mergers and acquisitions, generational/equitable wealth, hiring pipeline, legal advising, and back-office support.
  • Employee advancement: Supporting employee career pathways through upskilling and reskilling employees, managing employee human resources, and mid-management or mid-career advancement.

What is the name of your solution?

Proof Programs

What is your solution?

Proof is an economic development tool for rural and distressed urban communities. By providing robust resources for small to mid sized independent Food and Beverage companies we help cultivate and improve communities and quality of life. 

Having run accelerators and programs in over 100+ markets coaching over  500 companies the biggest need we have identified in nearly every company is a need for more robust workforce development, community, and connectivity. 

Our LMS platform not only cultivate community but helps develop workforce and culture In an industry that provides more upward mobility and ownership opportunity to minorities than any other industry in the country.

 We hope to further buildout a free more robust and engaging platform that will empower and educate community leaders and people in the industry and on how to succeed and grow. 

Describe the core technology that powers your solution.

We use an existing LMS to house and manage teams and employee training. We are in the process of building out our own platform and community network for independent Food and Beverage companies and the communities we work with. 

Which of the following categories best describes your solution?

A new business model or process that relies on technology to be successful

Please select the technologies currently used in your solution:

  • Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
  • Audiovisual Media

Who does your solution serve, including demographics, and how does the solution impact their lives?

Our solution targets distressed and underserved communities traditionally found in rural markets or dense distressed urban communities. For example our BRAP program in partnership with the Urban League and PEPSICO is a great example of our initiative and platform in action supporting over 100 black business owners that traditionally couldn't afford or access continued education, training software and tools that we provide for free.  

Explain how the problem you are addressing, the solution you have designed, and the population you are serving align with the Challenge.

Our platform and initiative directly targets the underserved communities and their entrepreneurs giving them free access to tools and technology they traditionally couldn't access or afford. 

What is your theory of change?

 4 out of 10 owners in our industry are minorities, that's more than any other industry in the country. However the F&B industry is notoriously difficult with an average failure of 60% in year one, 85% by year five. By providing free access to resources, tools, and community we can curve that failure rate and break generational poverty cycles in some of the most underserved communities in the country. 


What is your solution’s stage of development?

Prototype: A solution that is building and testing its product, service, or business model.

What is your organization’s stage of development?

Growth: A registered 501(c)(3) organization with an established product, service, or business model rolled out in one or, ideally, several communities, which is poised for further growth and has a proven track record with an annual operating budget
More About Your Solution

How many small businesses does your solution currently serve?

We have 12 active communities/cities with over 100 companies participating on the platform and accelerator. We have served over 400 Business in the past 2 years through our Restaurant Resilience Program and Retail Ready Program.

How do you define the community you serve, and who are its stakeholders?

We focus on rural economic development and distressed urban mainly with non profit economic development offices and organizations acting as our stake holders. For examples we have active partnerships with groups such as the National Urban League center for entrepreneurship for Urban markets, and Mainstreet America for rural markets, we also work closely with SBA centers, and Chambers of commerce.

We strive to work with the whole eco-system from the entrepreneur to the local lenders and real estate owners. This fosters connectivity, collaboration, and deal flow across multiple community sectors. 


How do you build trust within the community your organization serves and among small business owners?

Trust is essential for engagement and our work, Priority one is partnering with a trusted local resource like an economic development office, Chamber, or entrepreneur center. From there we always host a meet and greet info session and workshop to explain the initiative, platform, and what we do. After the initial engagement we meet 1:1 to onboard and train entrepreneurs so we know their exact needs.

What are your impact goals for the current year and the next five years and how will you achieve them?

We hope to develop our community platform to be a low cost multifunctional tool for any F&B operator in the country. We have a state by state growth model where we train and develop a director in each state that implements and works with community stakeholders to provide our platform and resources to entrepreneurs and community stakeholder. 

Currently we have directors and programs operating in Tennessee, Louisiana, Virginia, Georgia, and Wisconsin. Our goal is to add a new state each quarter starting in 2024.

Solution Team

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