Implementing Solutions

Work of the Future

How can those most affected by the technology-driven transformations of work create productive and prosperous livelihoods for themselves?

Submissions are Closed


Umran Beba

Partner, August Leadership

Claudia Belmont

Country Manager, Belcorp Colombia and President, Belcorp Foundation, Belcorp

Matthew Bishop

Managing Director, The Rockefeller Foundation

Irene Braam

Executive Director, Bertelsmann Foundation

Lynelle Cameron

Vice President, Sustainability and CEO, Autodesk Foundation, Autodesk

Jay Collins

Vice Chairman, Corporate and Investment Banking, Citigroup, Citigroup

Damon Cox

Assistant Secretary of Technology, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Commonwealth of Massachusetts

Brian Dunlap

Head of Technology Investments, The Rise Fund

Tina George

Global Co-Lead, Delivery Systems, Social Protection and Jobs Global Practice, World Bank Group

Sayeh Ghanbari

Partner, EY

Helen Hai

Goodwill Ambassador, Industrial Development Organization

Martin Hermann

State Secretary of Development Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark


John Irons

Director, Future of Work, Ford Foundation

Philip Jennings

Member, ILO Commission on the Future World of Work and the UN Global Compact

Ken Kelzer

Vice President Global Hardware Components and Subsystems, General Motors || Judge for The GM Prize on Good Jobs and Inclusive Entrepreneurship

Sangheon Lee

Director of Employment Policy, International Labor Organization

Oliver Libby

Chair and Co-Founder, The Resolution Project

Neha Narula

Director, Digital Currency Initiative, MIT Media Lab

Ma. Cecilia Oebanda

President and Executive Director, Voice of the Free

Elisabeth B. Reynolds

Executive Director, MIT Work of the Future Initiative

Philipp Rösler

CEO, Hainan Cihang Charity Foundation

Michelle R. Weise Ph.D.

Chief Innovation Officer, Strada Institute for the Future of Work & SVP, Strada Education Network


Jim Yong Kim

M.D., Ph.D., 12th President, The World Bank Group

Judging Criteria

Solutions will be evaluated based on the following criteria.


The solution addresses the challenge that has been set forth using technology. 

Potential for Impact: 

The planned implementation of the solution has the potential to impact lives. 


The solution can be grown and scaled to affect the lives of more people.


It is feasible to implement the solution, and the team has a plan for the solution to sustain itself financially.

Innovative Approach: 

This is a new technology, a new application of a technology, a new business model, or a new process for solving the challenge.

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