Implementing Solutions

2024 Global Climate Challenge

How can communities create a zero-carbon world and adapt to a warmer climate?

Submissions are Closed


Esther An

Chief Sustainability Officer, City Developments Ltd


Mr. Kerry Bowie

Founder & Executive Director, Browning the Green Space

United States

Sarah Chandler

VP of Environment & Supply Chain Innovation, Apple

United States

Romain Ciarlet

Executive Director, General Secretary, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation


Paola de Almeida

Food, Ag and Water Systems Operating Advisor, Pegasus Capital Advisor and Amazon Investor Coalition

United States

John Fernández

Director , MIT Environmental Solutions Initiative

United States

Ariel Furst

Paul M. Cook Career Development Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and Co-Founder of Seia Bio, MIT, Seia Bio

United States

Adesuwa Ifedi

Senior Vice President, Africa Programs, Heifer International

Burhan Jaffer

Founder & Managing Partner, Plasma Ventures

United States

Alejandro Jaramillo

ShelterTech Associate Director, Habitat for Humanity International


Ticora Jones

Chief Science Officer, NRDC

Rania Khalaf

Chief Information and Data Officer, Inari

Shrenik Khasgiwala

President and Head of ABG Innovation Fund, Aditya Birla Group


Admir Masic

Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT


Erika Montague

Chief Technologist, Schmidt Marine Technology Partners

Heidi Nepf

Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT

United States

Mr. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal

Climate & Energy Global Practice Lead, World Wildlife Fund International


Dereje Senshaw

Deputy Director, Climate Action and Inclusive Development, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)

Korea, Rep.

Anders Soh

Director of Programs, Temasek Foundation


Samantha Sugiyama

Manager, Corporate Grantmaking, General Motors

Kathlyn Tan

Director, Rumah Foundation


Bernhard van Lengerich

Founder and CEO, Seeding the Future


Patrick Verkooijen

CEO, Global Center for Adaptation

Technical Vetters

Luis Gerado Carvajal Fernandez

Sustainability Operations Specialist, Venture Building Analyst, Co-Founder, Siemens Energy



Maria Joāo Sousa

Executive Director, Climate Change AI

Mr. Steven Larky

Angel Investor, NuFund Venture Group

United States

Judging Criteria

  • Alignment: The solution uses technology to address one of Solve's Global Challenges.
  • Potential for Impact: The planned solution implementation has the potential to impact the intended population.
  • Feasibility: The team has a realistic, practical plan for implementing the solution, and it is feasible in the given context.
  • Innovative Approach: The solution includes a new technology, a new application of technology, a new business model, or a new process for solving the Challenge.
  • Inclusive Human-Centered Design: Inclusive and equitable outcomes are considered in the design, implementation, and internal operations of the solution.
  • Scalability: The solution has a plan for financial viability and the potential to be scaled to affect the lives of more people.
  • Partnership Potential: The applicant clearly explains how the solution would benefit from some of the resources that the Solve community is positioned to provide.
  • Technical Feasibility: If the underlying technology is novel, the applicant has provided convincing evidence that it has been built and functions as they claim it does.

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