2022 Indigenous Communities Fellowship


ONNSFA scholarship app: Increasing technology information

An app to use for scholarship applications and a foundation for introducing technology to the Navajo Nation.

Team Lead

Brittany Gene

Solution Pitch

The Problem

According to the 2018 census, 5,950 out of 13,210 students in the Navajo Nation were denied scholarship assistance due to missing documents in the application process. Factors that contribute to the issues are lack of communication, relying on outdated technology, and limited transparency.

The Solution

ONNSFA scholarship app was developed to decrease the obstacles within the Navajo Nation scholarship process by centralizing and streamlining communication and distribution of necessary documents. The goal is to use the app as a stepping stone for creating a platform that can be used for larger projects within the Navajo Nation government.

Market Opportunity

The market opportunity spans enrolled Navajo Nation tribal members seeking higher education. This market possesses a high need for scholarship support.

Organization Highlights

  • Collaborating with Indigidesign

  • Working with Cahokia Socialtech and Artspace based in Phoenix, Arizona

Partnership Goals

Brittany Gene Design seeks:

  • Business mentorship and guidance

  • Expertise in building a sustainable business model

Organization Type: Not registered as any organization

Headquarters: Juneau, Alaska

Stage: Prototype

Working In: United States

Current Employees: 2 

Solution Website: UX/UI ONNSFA App | My Site (brittanygene.com

Solution Team:

  • Brittany Gene Industrial & Product Designer, Brittany Gene Design, www.brittanygene.com

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