Presented with
Evaluating Solutions

The Amgen Prize: Innovation for Patients with Rare Diseases

How can nonprofits use innovation to improve the journey for patients with rare diseases, from diagnosis to treatment and holistic care?

Submissions are Closed


Samuel Agyei Wiafe

Founder and Executive Director, Rare Disease Ghana Initiative


Nadia Bodkin

Founder, Rare Advocacy Movement

United States

Nicole Boice

Founder & Chief Mission Officer, Global Genes / RARE-X

United States

Diego Fernando Gil Cardozo

Executive Director, Enfermedades Raras del Caribe y América Latina (ERCAL)


Barbara Goodman

President & CEO, Cures Within Reach

United States

Mr. Michael Hund

CEO, EB Research Partnership

United States

Annie Kennedy

Chief of Policy, Advocacy & Patient Engagement - EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases, EveryLife Foundation for Rare Diseases

United States

Yasmeen Long

Director, Milken Institute, FasterCures

United States


Aime Lumaka

Principal Investigator, African Rare Disease Initiative

Casey McPherson

Founder & Chairman of Board, To Cure A Rose Foundation

United States

Jenifer Ngo Waldrop

Executive Director, Rare Disease Diversity Coalition, Black Women's Health Imperative

United States

Jill Pollander

Vice President of Patient Services, National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD)

United States

Gabriela M. Repetto

Director, Rare Diseases Program, Facultad de Medicina, Clinica Alemana Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile


Karim Smaira

Founder and CEO, Genpharm

United Arab Emirates

Catharine Smith

Executive Director, Termeer Foundation

United States

Marshall Summar MD

Chief Executive Officer, Uncommon Cures

United States

Dr. Durhane Wong-Rieger

President & CEO, Canadian Organization for Rare Disorders


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