Implementing Solutions

2024 Global Learning Challenge

How can we make learning more inclusive and equitable, while improving outcomes for all learners?

Submissions are Closed


Javed Ahmed Malik

Program Director, Malala Fund


Farida Bedwei

Project Platform Consultant, Digital Opportunity Trust


Christopher Capozzola

Senior Associate Dean for Open Learning, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

United States

Aarti Chandna

Executive Director, Chandna Foundation

United States

Salyne El Samarany

Vice President, Special Olympics Global Center for Inclusion in Education


Kelsey Gaines

Head of STEM Education for Corporate Giving, General Motors

Gouri Gupta

Director EdTech, Central Square Foundation


Sumit Joshi

Global Director, Lorinet Foundation


Janhvi M. Kanoria

Director of Innovation Development Directorate, Education Above All


Ambika Kapur

Director, Education Program, Carnegie Corporation of New York

Eric Klopfer

Professor and Director of the Scheller Teacher Education Program and The Education Arcade, MIT

United States

Mariana Luz

CEO, Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal Foundation

Dr. Peter Materu

Chief Program Officer, Mastercard Foundation

Professor John Ochsendorf PhD

Founding Director, MIT Morningside Academy for Design

United States

Ana María Raad

Founder, REimagina Foundation

Louisa Rosenheck

Director of Learning Design, Kahoot!

United States

Kartik Sawhney


United States

Dr Prae Nanthaporn Seributra

CEO, Starfish Education


Shin Gee Tan

Senior Director, Temasek Foundation

Dr. Claudia Urrea

Senior Associate Director of MIT pK-12, MIT

United States

Zach Yeskel

Director of Product Management, Google for Education

Technical Vetters


Jonathan Adams

Professor, Florida State University

Bethanie Drake-Maples

Founder / Research Fellow, Atypical AI / Stanford

United States


John Masla

Assessment Specialist, MIT

United States

Aaron Ray

PhD Student, MIT / LIDS

United States


Rosa Weinberg

Design Education Consultant, Morningside Academy for Design

Judging Criteria

  • Alignment: The solution uses technology to address one of Solve's Global Challenges.
  • Potential for Impact: The planned solution implementation has the potential to impact the intended population.
  • Feasibility: The team has a realistic, practical plan for implementing the solution, and it is feasible in the given context.
  • Innovative Approach: The solution includes a new technology, a new application of technology, a new business model, or a new process for solving the Challenge.
  • Inclusive Human-Centered Design: Inclusive and equitable outcomes are considered in the design, implementation, and internal operations of the solution.
  • Scalability: The solution has a plan for financial viability and the potential to be scaled to affect the lives of more people.
  • Partnership Potential: The applicant clearly explains how the solution would benefit from some of the resources that the Solve community is positioned to provide.
  • Technical Feasibility: If the underlying technology is novel, the applicant has provided convincing evidence that it has been built and functions as they claim it does.

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